Welcome to Fright Night...for REAL! Tom Holland's classic Vampire tale returns with a series that picks up right after the events of the 1985 movie! Based on Holland's novel which introduces Charlie Brewster, Amy Peterson, Evil Ed, Peter Vincent, and of course, the undead monster, Jerry Dandridge to horror fans! Wri...
From New York Times bestselling and Eisner Award-winning Black Hammer creator Jeff Lemire comes this ambitious and haunting comic series about family, mourning, and reality.
A lonely building inspector still grieving the loss of his puzzle-loving daughter receives a mysterious phone call one night from a girl claiming it's her and that sh...
THE NEXT BIG THING Begins Here! Renowned storyteller Walter Mosley brings his signature style to a sweeping saga of Yancy Street’s favorite son that will range from the urban sprawl of the back alleys of Manhattan to the farthest reaches of the cosmos itself! A lonely evening and a chance encounter (or is it?) sends Ben Grimm embarking on a so...
Mitchell Moss is about as regular as it gets. He's married with two children, and co-owns a successful chain of Memphis Hot Chicken restaurants. It's not the life that screams hero/vigilante...until he discovers that his business partner is in bed with the mob and owes them $2 million. Unfortunately, Mitch is ill-equipped to be a badass-he's just a...