ale_amarillo's Profile

Joined: Sep 30, 2022

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ale_amarillo reviewed Poison Ivy #6 Nov 1, 2022

I have no words for this. This issue was incredible. It made me laugh, it made me feel uncomfortable af, and it literally made me cry.

Poison Ivy #6

By: G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara
Released: Nov 2, 2022

THE SHOCKING CONCLUSION TO POISON IVY'S FIRST ARC! Poison Ivy is taken to death's door and beyond, as the fungal parasite she's been playing host to causes Ivy to undergo a terrific metamorphosis. Can the world's greatest villain find the strength within her to carry on, or will take her place? One thing's for sure, this issue is su...

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ale_amarillo reviewed Poison Ivy #5 Oct 4, 2022

The first pages of the comic were raw. The batman bits were fun but a little too much. Tho, I like the way the story is going, and how finally Ivy is really dying while her plan is far from being completed. I'm really looking forward to the conclusion of this arc in next issue (Kinda nervous tbh).

Poison Ivy #5

By: G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara
Released: Oct 5, 2022

Hello, sweetie, you're absolutely pathetic. You know that, right? Luckily for you, Daddy's home and he's here to make all the bad feelings go away. As Ivy prepares to go international with her mission to save the Earth, there's only one thing standing in her way-the brave man whom Ivy stole her powers from.

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KittyNone reviewed Poison Ivy #4 Sep 6, 2022

I'm so glad this is going to be an ongoing (or at least a longer mini). I just want to spend forever reading about Ivy hooking up with beautiful women, killing people who deserve it, and struggling with the fact that in her heart she's not the misanthropic serial killer she thinks she wants to be. Writing, art, colors, all a joy. Give me fifty more issues.

Poison Ivy #4

By: G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara
Released: Sep 7, 2022

Workplace harassment complaints, health code violations, and inhuman work hours. All just a few of the things that your everyday human resources representative has to deal with. Lucky for you, Poison Ivy isn't your average HR rep. She's much more flexible and her punishments are far worse, too! So be on your best behavior because Dr. Isley is watch...

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ale_amarillo reviewed Poison Ivy #4 Sep 30, 2022

I honestly can't believe this book is real. its so unafraid of exploring Ivy and her contradictory nature, which some other Ivy books touch upon but don't fully commit to it. I'd say this issue is missing a couple of pages as everything happens too fast, but still i can roll with it and what its saying.

Poison Ivy #4

By: G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara
Released: Sep 7, 2022

Workplace harassment complaints, health code violations, and inhuman work hours. All just a few of the things that your everyday human resources representative has to deal with. Lucky for you, Poison Ivy isn't your average HR rep. She's much more flexible and her punishments are far worse, too! So be on your best behavior because Dr. Isley is watch...

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ale_amarillo reviewed Poison Ivy #3 Sep 30, 2022

I really love how Ivy is visibly conflicted and contradictory in this issue. It's painful watching her not only shaving her skin, but pinning for Harley, and not wanting to hurt a gardener that in theory she's planning on killing.

Poison Ivy #3

By: G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara
Released: Aug 3, 2022

Fixing the world isn't easy work, and Ivy's all hot and sweaty because of it! Getting her hands dirty was never an issue, but when plant assassins come after her, Ivy must be willing to play dirty as well.

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ale_amarillo reviewed Poison Ivy #2 Sep 30, 2022

I think in comparison to Issue #1 this one feels a little slower and without much plot. It still good enough and shows her humanity and introduces the symbol of what might stop Ivy from going this way.

Poison Ivy #2

By: G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara
Released: Jul 6, 2022

Destroying humanity is a lot of work, and a girl's gotta eat! On her journey to doom humankind, Ivy makes a pit stop at a roadside restaurant, where she meets a hungry poet who makes her question her motives-at least until the cops show up. Ivy has left Gotham, but she can't seem to escape the law!

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ale_amarillo reviewed Poison Ivy #1 Sep 30, 2022

Starting with a bang.This is a beautiful and dark story, both narratively and visually. I had my expectations high for this one and it delivered. Ivy is so compelling in this story and she finally feels as a complete character after her appearances in Batman, Catwoman and Harley Quinn from the Fear State storyline.

She's oddly relatable in her "villainous" ways, and the story as GWW men more

Poison Ivy #1

By: G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara
Released: Jun 8, 2022

Pamela Isley has been a lot of things in her life. A living god, a super-villain, an activist, a scientist, and dead. In a new body that she didn't ask for and with a renewed sense of purpose, Ivy leaves Gotham and sets out to complete her greatest work-a gift to the world that will heal the damage dealt to ending humanity.
Spinning ou...

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ale_amarillo added Poison Ivy (2022) to their pull list Sep 30, 2022

Poison Ivy (2022)

Pamela Isley has been a lot of things in her life. A living god, a super-villain, an activist, a scientist, and dead. In a new body that she didn't ask for and with a renewed sense of purpose, Ivy leaves Gotham and sets out to complete her greatest work-a gift to the world that will heal the damage dealt to ending humanity.
Spinning ou...

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