tron's Profile

Joined: Apr 17, 2023

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Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #25

May 12, 2023

ASM is one of the top selling comics every month. STOP BUYING IT! We bitch and moan but they only see big sales numbers. At this point it's our fault.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #26

Jun 5, 2023

Poorly executed money grab. Stop buying this rubbish.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #27

Jun 16, 2023

Peter seems really broken up over the death of Kamala. Will someone tell him she'll most likely be resurrected on Krakoa to prove she was actually a mutant the whole time so it can be like the disney+ show....even though Steve Rogers was resurrected and not a mutant. Resurrected with his shield in the egg, don't forget that. Tell him rules change to suit the needs of the writer. Tell him editors either don't do their jobs or marvel just makes it impossible for them to. Don't worry Pete, she died but she'll get better. Go get some pity tail from BC and feel better mate. BTW, this issue was pretty good. Better than everything since dark web started.

Batgirls (2021) #18

May 16, 2023

They say Tini Howard gets a lot of work cause she's cheap and very dependable. A go-to if things are running behind. I wonder if this writing team is the same? They seem to get a lot of work but their writing skills are about on par with Tini's, maybe a little better. I'm glad this series is being canceled and I hope they don't do what they sometimes do, re-start with a new #1 and the same terrible writing team.

Batgirls (2021) #19

Jun 20, 2023

Bad series. Characterization of Cassandra was way off and the coloring was a constant problem. If you want to read Cloonrad try their XO Manowar title. It's not great but it is way better that this. Batgirls was a great concept that just fell flat.

Catwoman (2018) #55

May 16, 2023

"You'll be dead when we pick through your ashes".....???? No shit! I doubt she'll be alive when you do it! WTF is this awful dialogue?

Catwoman (2018) #56

Jun 20, 2023

Great cover. Other than that it's just the same old problems we get in all the previous issues.....Tini Howard.

Creed: The Next Round (2023) #1

Jul 1, 2023

If you like Creed you may like this. It's run of the mill.

DC Pride (2021): 2023 #1

Jun 5, 2023

Mostly bad writing for a comic book that costs more than it's worth. It's more of a slap in the face to the community it's targeting. Grant Morrison is a BIG step in the right direction but get some other decent writers. Maybe better editors for diversity writers who aren't quite so good and then they can still contribute and perhaps make an impact. Then use queer characters written by anyone who can write GOOD stories.

Detective Comics (2016) #1073

Jul 1, 2023

This book is a mess. We started with such promise didn't we? What happened? At least it doesn't read like a child wrote it, it's just dull as hell.

Green Lantern: Rebirth Vol. 1

May 12, 2023

Truly a masterpiece. The new GL series is pitiful in comparison and I like the new series. That's how good this was.

Hawkgirl (2023) #1

Jul 18, 2023

No more agendas. No more self inserts. No more soap boxes. No more character assassinations. We just want good comic book stories. This is an abortion of a comic and deserves to be used as toilet paper. The art is the only good element.

Hawkgirl (2023) #2

Aug 15, 2023

DC has gone out and got a diversity hire to write an LGBTQ+ book in hopes of gaining new readers in an emerging market. Smart if done right but here they again take an established character and begin the process of moving them into a different sexual orientation. I may be wrong and Kendra may not move away from being straight but all the signs so far in this book point to it, which will be weird since her and Hawkman are supposed to be intertwined throughout time. DC figures they can use a lesser character for this without upsetting too many fans and there will of course be people who don't care either way about sexuality and just want to read something with Hawkgirl. Some people will go out and buy it and love it just because it's an LGBTQ+ book (which is DC's intention) and others won't just because of that same thing. Both are perfectly fine...see how that works? That is basically it for this book though. The book is all about Hawkgirl's drama and Galaxy and her lifestyle being showcased with some super villain shenanigans sprinkled in. The villain just happens to need multiple identical lives that are surrounded with nth metal exposure. Convenient. Many have said the art is great, and they are correct, but as good as the art is the story is that bad. At least in this issue Kendra isn't the most unlikable person on the planet. Bland, boring and just an excuse to showcase the writers creation instead of the title character. I don't know if DC got what they wanted with Jadzia Axelrod but I think the LGBTQ+ community (hell, all of us) deserves a comic story with some meat on it's bones instead of this tripe. I said it before and I'll say it again. ONE-TRICK PONY!

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2023) #5

May 12, 2023

Ah, the Spider-man we want. Take note Zeb Wells.

Moon Knight (2021) #25

Jul 18, 2023

Expensive and worth it.

Multiversity: Harley Screws Up the DCU (2023) #3

May 12, 2023

The art is Riley Rossmo level bad and the writing is just as terrible. Do DC want people to stop liking and buying one of their most popular characters? It really feels that way. Maybe Jim Lee should take a leave of absence and give someone with common sense a shot at running things. Don't waste your time on this POS.

Namor: Conquered Shores Collected

May 12, 2023

As Immortan Joe would say "Mediocre".

Punisher (2022) #12

Jun 5, 2023

A fair attempt to change a character for no other reason than a bunch of twits got up in arms over another bunch of twits who lacked any sense of decency misusing a skull symbol. The push to be inoffensive is as ridiculous as the pushback on it. These are the days we live in. This series as a whole was a good effort with hits and misses that will be remembered just for what it was, politics.

Something Epic (2023) #1

May 12, 2023

Only mainstream imagination creations are observed by Dillon here. Millions of ideas created daily and only ones he witnesses are licensed characters. Premise doesn't hold up. Feels like Ready Player One in a lot of the book. Dillon may be a teen but he's drawn like a ten year old and he's very unlikable.

Spider-Man (2022) #11

Aug 19, 2023

I didn't hate it. Straightforward comic book story. I agree Spider-Boy is like an Impulse for the spider family.

Spirit World (2023) #1

May 12, 2023

I wonder who Alyssa Wong called a racist at DC to get a job over there. Did CB Cebulski start work for the competition? This is mediocre with proper pronoun use to show her enlightened mind and a run of the mill stereotypical Eastern style story and art style. Not bad, not good.

Superman: Lost (2023) #3

May 12, 2023

Hopefully slow and steady wins the race.

The Sandman Universe: Dead Boy Detectives #6

May 29, 2023

The sandman universe re-launch has been fair to middling and this book was one of the poorer offerings.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #9

May 29, 2023

It's as if someone from secondary school were writing this. I couldn't imagine liking this comic as much as the 2 or three fans do. I feel like it's so easy to point out the flaws in other people opinions when you've decided, no matter what, that your going to like and defend a comic and be hyper undemanding of a writer or characters history so you can justify calling everyone bigoted because being a normal person about it is too much of a task for you.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #10

Jul 1, 2023

The final failure by Meghan Fitzmartin on Robin is here. Does DC have a charity program for writers? Is that how such a writer is hired time and again despite constant fan backlash? When she gets her own series she gets torn apart in the reader reviews. Even the comic book sites can't always suck up to DC when it comes to her. DC can't hide her lack of talent this way or gouge extra money out of readers like they do when they stick her in Urban Legends or some such book. Hopefully she will slowly disappear like Tee Franklin and Vita Ayala. I'm all for giving people a shot but I think Fitzmartin has blown hers.

X-Men: Red (2022) #11

May 12, 2023

Really ready for Krakoa to be over. The original idea began so amazingly and could have been epic if there was a blue print in place that had been followed and Marvel had hired the best writers working in cohesion instead of the cheapest working on their own agendas. The return of some deadly characters is mentioned here at the end and I hope they finish this era or re-set it on the right path. I would prefer an endgame myself.

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