Afterforevercomics's Profile

Joined: Jul 29, 2023

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A Haunted Girl (2023) #4  
A Legacy of Violence #1

Feb 27, 2024

A Legacy of Violence #2

Mar 1, 2024

A Legacy of Violence #3

Mar 1, 2024

A Legacy of Violence #4

Mar 2, 2024

A Legacy of Violence #5

Mar 21, 2024

A Legacy of Violence #6

Mar 21, 2024

A Legacy of Violence #7

Mar 21, 2024

A Legacy of Violence #8

Mar 21, 2024

A Legacy of Violence #9

Mar 21, 2024

A Legacy of Violence #10

Mar 21, 2024

Alice Never After (2023) #5  
Antarctica (2023) #1

Aug 12, 2023

So for the most part if there is a #1 issue from image I normally will pick it up and read it, because most of the time I enjoy what they put out. This book was one of those. I knew nothing about it but I’m like hey it’s from image why not. Let me tell you this book is the reason I do those things, it is phenomenal. It’s a story of a girl who loves her father, but her father was gone a lot so she would always anxiously await for him to come home. You guessed it one time he never did. This sent her life into a downward spiral she became homeless. Then there was a diner owner who liked her and made her take a trade course in exchange of letting her stay inside of the diner. This lead her to decide she was going to try to find her dad or whatever happened to him and she ends up in the arctic. All in all a lot happens in this issue, which is a good thing. I feel like a lot of comics would have made the events that take place here stretch out to two or three issues if not a whole arc. This issue manages to give us the background of our main character and her motivations and leaves us on a cliffhanger that sets up the rest of the story to be told. Needless to say I can not wait to issue 2.

Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) #4

Jul 29, 2023

So issue #4 was great. One of the better Marvel books being released at the moment. I could be bias since I do love Blade and can’t wait for the new movie whenever that finally comes out. Spin this issue Bri is coming along with her training with her father so well Blade gives her a jacket which she loves. She sees and asks if the pockets in it are for stakes. Blade tells her they are the injection he uses to keep the bloodlust at bay and that she should use them if she needs to. We then get the touching moment of a hug between them. Then they go into the house and find out her mother is missing and has been kidnapped. She goes to school where she finds out who has her mothers phone. Then you flash to Blade and the people who have her mom. It leaves you at a point I got to stop writing this so I can get to the next issue.

Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) #5

Jul 29, 2023

So I am sad to see this mini series come to an end. It was a good well told story with great art. I also hope they continue Bri story at some point either an ongoing or another miniseries. Let’s face it guys we need more Blade in our life. So in this issue we get the resolution. Bri mom shows up and they inform her friends what is going on and Bri friends agree to take her mom to the hospital while she stays to fight with Whitney and then go to save Blade. The final showdown shows hat Frost has no loyalty as he throws a knife at his adopted daughter and turns to Blade. At this point Bri goes to town and gets called too weak to finish the job and kill him. Blade steps over and says she is not weak and still in training and kills Frost. The series ends with her and her friends playing baseball you learn the fate of Whitney.

Dark Ride (2022) #7

Aug 20, 2023

This series is about a haunted amusement park in Nevada. I should say a supposed haunted amusement park. Weird things happen people disappear. It’s an amusement park who’s theme is horror. So in this issue we get a little family history followed by a dinner at a vet exclusive club with the family plus the reporter trying to expose the park because her brother was found hanging there shortly after he started working there. The father confronts the reporter and says they have security footage of her brother banging himself and that she is banned from the park. He also argues with his son who walks out and says that he is done with the park. So in closing this is a good set up issue you are starting to slowly learn the history of the family and the park. Hopefully soon we will know this “silent benefactor” that believed in the vision and invested in the park at the beginning.

Hairball (2023) #4

Aug 2, 2023

So i got to say I loved this mini-series. I am a cat lover so just the idea of this story had caught my eye. I can say every issue was great. Each month I could not wait to get the next issue it was one of the few comics i looked up the release date for every month. So as for this issue it wraps it up quite nicely. Our main character is on the hunt to find her cat this hunt takes her all over New York to greece. She finds the owner of “Bestie” and learns that the cat is making her life hell with her boyfriend. The cat attacks him and he has also tried to kill the cat of course to no success. She says you can have him back just go get him because her boyfriend was drunk and she was avoiding going home. So our main character goes and things happen. She winds up leaving with Bestie and the book ends with them traveling around. If your looking for a book that has a supernatural element to it that also involves animals. This is the one for you. The artwork fits the work, it isn’t the best that I have seen but it fits nicely with the writing style. So if you see these issues out in the wild or whenever the TPB comes out I would highly recommend grabbing it and giving it a read.

Incredible Hulk (2023) #1

Jul 29, 2023

This is technically the second Hulk series I have read. The first being the mess that was the Donny Cates run. So I was skeptical going into this one but it blew me out of the water. It was great the story hooked me and I just can’t wait for the second issue. This is all based off of Hulk trying to retake control of Banner permanently since he was contained during the Donny Cates run. There is this woman trying to catch the Hulk in order to use him to bring forth the mother of monsters. I don’t know a lot of the lore of Hulk or anything so I’m sold to find out more and more.

Knight Terrors (2023): First Blood #1

Aug 4, 2023

So this issue definitely set the stage for a horror event, and I am fully on board for it. I’m not a huge DC guy besides like Sandman and some Batman books depending the story. I am excited to be Delving deeper into characters nightmares that I don’t normally read. So in this book we see Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman going to the Hall of Justice because a vault that only the three of them have access too has been broken into. Here you find the premise of the event that someone is looking for the nightmare stone which no one knows where it is. So I can not wait to get to the rest of the books in this event. See what our hero and villains fear.

Knight Terrors: Batman (2023) #1

Aug 7, 2023

This event (I realize I’m only two books into it) is really good and interesting so far. This book as you can tel from the title is all about Batman and his nightmare. In this book you get a little background into Batman wanting to be able to control his fears so that they can not be used against him by an enemy. Then you hit the title page and your in his nightmare. Where his resolve will be tested by Insomnia (the main villain in the event) who is trying to find the nightmare stone, he has found out that it is hidden in the nightmares of a hero he just has no idea which one. So if the idea of Batman being haunted into submission by his nightmares and fears, or if you wanna know if he can overcome them and gain control to fight back against Insomnia. This is the right comic book for you. So before I take up any more of your time I will leave this review here, so that I can hurry up and get to the next book in this event.

Knight Terrors: Black Adam (2023) #1  
Knight Terrors: Poison Ivy (2023) #1  
Knight Terrors: Ravager (2023) #1

Aug 9, 2023

Let me begin by saying I have no idea who Ravenger is or her back story. However with that said this book was really good. At first I thought I wasn’t going to enjoy it because of my lack of DC knowledge which is what happened with Knight Terrors: Black Adam. This one begins off with monsters going after some girl saying that father is mad and you know what happens when he is mad. Ravenger shows up and shit goes down. Someone is trying to escape the land of dreams to the waking world but they need help. Once again this may be one of the best events in comics that I have read (only been reading for like 3 years). I highly recommend people read this entire event. I’m hoping a Omnibus of this event comes out so that I can purchase it.

Knight Terrors: The Joker (2023) #1

Aug 10, 2023

So this may be my favorite book of this event. It is so well done and anyone should read it even if you don’t like the event. What would the Jokers nightmare be like. Someone who has done so many bad things, well let’s get into it. So this book begins with Joker kinda killing Batman and their being nothing for him to do anymore. Without Batman he gets bored with crime because it became too easy. So he wants to sit at home and binge “the real housewives”. So to do something meaningful he decides he is gonna get a real job at Wayne Enterprise. So if you like the Joker and wanna see what a Joker without a Batman would be like this is the book for you. It is hilarious to see Joker working an office job and the things he does to cause trouble and get promoted. I can not wait to get to the second issue.

Loki (2023) #1

Aug 3, 2023

So in my life I have come to love mythology. I’ve studied Greek, Roman, Egyptian (a little anyway) and Norse mythology. I have even studied German, Latin and Greek and have read a lot of the great tales in these languages. So when it comes to comic superheroes i love Thor and all the stories and characters associated with him. So to say I was excited to hear that a new Loki book was coming out and reading the solicit for it I was so excited to get my hands on it. It did not disappoint. This issue begins off talking about Loki and who he is the former god of mischief. About how warriors collected from the battlefield would be buried with their weapons bent and nails trimmed because Loki was building a ship to navigate against Valhalle during Ragnarok. That he did sail it and it wasn’t time and it was captured and stored in the Vaults. Then it explains how Loki is no longer the God of mischief and is the God of stories and King of Jotunheim. Then it flashes to Loki sitting on a chair in Florida and asks if this is true why are you in Florida? Thor tells him he is checking in and not to neglect his duties he says he isn’t and has ordered his people to learn to read. This of course will backfire as some of the giants read the legend of the ship and go and steal it but crashes it into the world tree and three pieces shoot out throughout the realms. So Thor tells Loki he has to find them before something bad happens and it starts a war between realms. So this is the base of the story so far. This has me hooked and anxiously waiting for the next issue. The artwork is also great and let’s you just get totally emerged in the world and the story they are trying to tell. So if you are looking for a good read and something that you will end up adding to that ever growing pull list check this one out and let me know how you feel about it.

Strange Academy: Finals (2022) #6  
Swan Songs (2023) #1

Aug 11, 2023

This series is going to be done by different writers and artists for each issue with the over arching theme of it being the end of something. Well this issue is The End of the World. It is written by Prince who is probably best known for Ice Cream Man, so you know this is gonna be good. This takes place in a hospital and the way to get a magazine. You see the doomsday clock on the TV and throughout the book you see the number slowly going down. The main characters mom is in the hospital with renal failure and he is there taking care of her and reading a gardening magazine to her. He tells her he is going to go get the last issue of the magazine so they can finish it together. Things happen on his way as you can imagine the world has gone to hell with the end being imminent. This series has a very good base so I can not wait for the second issue. It deals with The End of a Marriage. So we will see how that one is. I hope it’s as good if not better than this issue.

Reviews for the Week of...



