Talha Comic Fan's Profile

Joined: Sep 11, 2023

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Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1: Coming Home

Oct 29, 2023

What a Spider-Man Story. Does the legacy justice while adding new ideas. JMS is delivering an Arc that for me will remain one of my favourites for years to come. Love It.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight Collected

Sep 12, 2023

Sean Murphy continues..on delivering quality. This time we get a very cool new approach to bruce waynes heritage, azrael, and more villainous intends all over. I personally am also a big sucker for the climax fight. Murphyverse keeps on giving and ends with a bang. I remember finishing this and immediately checking about the next trade^^

Batman: The Killing Joke #1

Sep 17, 2023

This is THE origin story of the Joker. I also love the aesthetics and colours. Only thing holding it back for me is that I don’t feel the urge to return to it as often. But yeah a must read.

Batman: The Man Who Laughs #1

Sep 17, 2023

The Man Who Laughs is a Joker story that does the bare minimum to be a decent one. The fact that decent Joker stories are rare this almost makes it good but to me it’s just average.

Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? #1

Sep 17, 2023

What happened to the caped crusader is full of homages and tells a tale of the end when Batman is no more. The story itself is interestingly told. But I personally need a little more Batman in them in flashbacks for expl. A good read and a very cool one if you can name all the versions of characters and other easter eggs.

Batman: White Knight Collected

Sep 12, 2023

Sean Murphy takes the Batman Mythos and basically adds interesting ideas, and executes them in a unique way. My first read was very intense I wanted to know where Sean Murphy leads the story and even on repeat reads I’m still excited because the art and story telling reach great levels. This is a start of the Murphyverse and I’m not ashamed to admit its one of my favourite incarnations.

Beta Ray Bill Argent Star

Sep 11, 2023

What an amazing comic book. Pure fun from start to finish. One Book - satisfying landing. We need like thousands more of these.

Do A Powerbomb Collected

Sep 11, 2023

Amazing characters - a plot that only happens in creative comics, the action is impactful and easy to follow. My wrestler heart was melting. R.I.P. Eddie

Extremity Vol. 1: Artist

Sep 16, 2023

Now revenge plots are very common. The question remains in a comic setting how well the execution will be. And in my humble opinion we get a creative original approach by DDubs. World building, badass fights and a dense package. The Question after Artist is how will the plot continue?

Extremity Vol. 2: Warrior

Sep 16, 2023

My biggest concern was the landing of the plot wouldn’t keep up with the great start that was Artist. Unnecessary. Great continuation of volume 1. With a lot to interesting character development. Really enjoyed the spectacle that is Extremity.

Jurassic League Collected  
King Of Spies Collected

Oct 12, 2023

Mark delivers on a wild ride of a former spy turning now to kinda of a hitman whos his own boss and hunts down baddies. Enjoyed it I need to see about its reread potential. And I kinda wished it had more than 4 issues.

Kingdom Come Collected

Nov 8, 2023

Kingdom Come is a masterpiece. It does the playing with the expectations thing, the bad future thing, the good storytelling thing - all that good stuff. Besides the fun and intriguing plot you can enjoy the amazing art of this book - some may say it has to much details which will lead in a slow read book. I can only look at it and have to think damn is this close to the Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns level.

Murder Falcon Collected

Sep 11, 2023

Murder Falcon is fantastic. The sheer action and love for metal is…heavy…. DDubs has made some of my favourite trades. *A stand user?*

Spider-Man: Blue Vol. 1

Nov 8, 2023

Jeff and Tim deliver on already known levels. The Story feels just right especially the amount respect for the original work from the 60s. I never really was invested in the death of Gwen Stacy as more recent comic book fan, nevertheless do I feel the impact of that event presented in a modern story telling way. Was absolute worth it finally reading.

Watchmen Collected

Sep 17, 2023

The best hero deconstruction story you can find. The amount of quality regarding characters, plot and sheer art is mesmerising. I love it and read it annually. Masterpiece indeed.

Wonder Woman: Dead Earth Collected

Sep 16, 2023

Very strong book, my first introduction to WW thanks to DDubs. I get Old Man Logan meets Dark Nights Metal Vibes. The Oversized Edition does the art justice.

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