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Joined: Mar 02, 2024

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Finally, something I enjoyed. Boomer coming in the way he did was good, and we get back story to the main leader of The Revolutionaries that establishes a motive.

Tom does a great job at giving Deadshot more time and development with his daughter (even though it is cringy af). However, the comic gets pulled down by, again awaiting the twist, a hero turned corrupt business man.

Boomer, Harley, and Deadshot… pretty good read until the ending. I get they are setting up for a twist but *shew*

Tries to be Ostrander with a strong start and finish, but fails to be a Suicide Squad comic by having The Revolutionaries still the spotlight. I felt like I was reading a The Revolutionaries comic guest staring The Suicide Squad.

I really think that Tom Taylor does not know Deadshot or Batman during this read. Not only did both characters not act their usual selves but they also used as comedic moments… hmmmmm… however the beginning was really good and sets up the middle well before it tumbles down.

*Shew* Great start, a dumb founding middle, and ends strong. I enjoy the artists work but the writer has not one this fan of The Suicide Squad.

I could not find myself connecting with the characters winx, aerie, and especially with this portrayal of Amanda Waller. I just don’t think Tom was the right fit for The Suicide Squad at this point

Again, I’m reading a The Revolutionaries comic not a The Suicide Squad.

I have multiple gripes about this run of The Suicide Squad. I do not like that The Revolutionaries are a more edgy terrorist group that are wanna be Authority. Taylor then fills the group with LBGTQ+ members that are not memorable and have cliché story tropes that would leave most of my LBGTQ+ friends having no interest. He also should had made a The Revolutionaries solo series and then set this up so I would understand the motivations of characters and then it would be a crossover comic that would had told a much better story. It raps everything up like a fairy tale movie and then sets up a series for The Revolutionaries. The question is why did they name it Suicide Squad when clearly it is The Revolutionaries guest staring The Suicide Squad. I’m most disappointed about this run and being a DIEHARD fan of The Suicide Squad this series left me wanting Ostrander’s return. I think Tom has been good doing anything but The Suicide Squad and I’d like to keep it that way for the future. I feel bad for gutting this but diehard fans need something that’s gratifying even if it ends with a non-ideal ending. This is just disappointing.

The Revolutionaries group is The Authority but less compelling and The Suicide Squad feels like wanna be copycat of what we have had in the past. This is a horrible start to something I wanted to read.

Predictable and a wanna be Ostrander but without the gravitas. I am very disappointed in the execution (no pun intended) on how to kill Deadshot nor the reasoning. I get that you want to deny Deadshot of having a future with his daughter after all the bad but this… this was just dumb and the twist adds to the stupidity.

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