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Joined: Mar 02, 2024

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Rate the Universe reviewed Shazam! #1 Jul 3, 2024

Mark Waid nails what makes Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel. This comic treads old comic goofiness with an over arching story dramady. Absolute must read for any old school Captain Marvel fans.

Shazam! #1

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: May 3, 2023

The World's Finest creators present the World's Mightiest Mortal in a dazzling solo series! Dinosaurs from space! The Clubhouse of Eternity! Homicidal worms and talking tigers! Atomic robots, alien worlds, mad scientists, sinister curses, and villains from throughout the DC Universe-welcome to the wild adventures of Billy Batson, whose big red alte...

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Lucas reviewed Suicide Squad #11 Nov 19, 2023

What a silly ending. Tom is very desperate to say something but he doesn't know a lot about it, so he talks about the crimes of rich people and people with power like the ending of a Neil Breen movie. It also just throws a resurrection for no reason, and never elaborates on it later despite the story suggesting they would. Also, what was the point of the exploding girl? When they introduced her I more

Suicide Squad #11

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Nov 25, 2020

The explosive final issue is here! Task Force X has been through hell and back. Now they’re the last thing standing between a human bomb and an island full of innocents. Which means that even if they win the day, there’s nowhere to run when the Justice League arrives to clean house!

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KFuqua rated Suicide Squad #11 Dec 1, 2020

Suicide Squad #11

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Nov 25, 2020

The explosive final issue is here! Task Force X has been through hell and back. Now they’re the last thing standing between a human bomb and an island full of innocents. Which means that even if they win the day, there’s nowhere to run when the Justice League arrives to clean house!

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pizzamain rated Suicide Squad #11 Dec 16, 2020

Suicide Squad #11

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Nov 25, 2020

The explosive final issue is here! Task Force X has been through hell and back. Now they’re the last thing standing between a human bomb and an island full of innocents. Which means that even if they win the day, there’s nowhere to run when the Justice League arrives to clean house!

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Federico Liguori reviewed Suicide Squad #11 Feb 3, 2024

Man what a terrible ending. All the hype for these idiots to just... Win and own the Justice League? With people going free as if nothing happened? Also, of course, a giant AD for a spinoff series nobody gives a crap about.

Suicide Squad #11

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Nov 25, 2020

The explosive final issue is here! Task Force X has been through hell and back. Now they’re the last thing standing between a human bomb and an island full of innocents. Which means that even if they win the day, there’s nowhere to run when the Justice League arrives to clean house!

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REYNARD reviewed Suicide Squad #11 Nov 24, 2020

I could really care less about this bland assembly of uninspired characters.

I hope Taylor enjoyed jerking himself off for 11 issues while making established DC characters get bitched around by his shitty OCs.

So boring. Not surprising though, just look at DCeased.

Suicide Squad #11

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Nov 25, 2020

The explosive final issue is here! Task Force X has been through hell and back. Now they’re the last thing standing between a human bomb and an island full of innocents. Which means that even if they win the day, there’s nowhere to run when the Justice League arrives to clean house!

Rate the Universe reviewed Suicide Squad #11 Mar 3, 2024

I have multiple gripes about this run of The Suicide Squad. I do not like that The Revolutionaries are a more edgy terrorist group that are wanna be Authority. Taylor then fills the group with LBGTQ+ members that are not memorable and have cliché story tropes that would leave most of my LBGTQ+ friends having no interest. He also should had made a The Revolutionaries solo series and then set this more

Suicide Squad #11

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Nov 25, 2020

The explosive final issue is here! Task Force X has been through hell and back. Now they’re the last thing standing between a human bomb and an island full of innocents. Which means that even if they win the day, there’s nowhere to run when the Justice League arrives to clean house!

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Rate the Universe reviewed Suicide Squad #10 Mar 2, 2024

Again, I’m reading a The Revolutionaries comic not a The Suicide Squad.

Suicide Squad #10

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The world knows Ted Kord as Blue Beetle, superhero. But the members of Task Force X know him as something else entirely-the violent and vindictive puppet master who rigged them to blow. With Deadshot murdered and Kord finally at their mercy, will the Suicide Squad get their revenge once and for all?

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Rate the Universe reviewed Suicide Squad #8 Mar 2, 2024

I could not find myself connecting with the characters winx, aerie, and especially with this portrayal of Amanda Waller. I just don’t think Tom was the right fit for The Suicide Squad at this point

Suicide Squad #8

By: Tom Taylor, Daniel Sampere
Released: Aug 26, 2020

Task Force X is done running. They pulled the bombs out of their necks, they’ve identified their target, and they’re going on the hunt for the man who’s pulled their strings and killed their friends. And now the Squad is up against forces far more powerful than they ever could have imagined. Taking them on…could be suicide.

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Rate the Universe reviewed Suicide Squad #7 Mar 2, 2024

Tom does a great job at giving Deadshot more time and development with his daughter (even though it is cringy af). However, the comic gets pulled down by, again awaiting the twist, a hero turned corrupt business man.

Suicide Squad #7

By: Tom Taylor, Daniel Sampere
Released: Jul 29, 2020

Annnnd he’s out! With a pardon in his pocket, Deadshot walks away from the Suicide Squad in hopes of reuniting with his daughter, Zoe, and making things right at last. But you can’t outrun your past when it’s still looking to kill you, and their family reunion quickly takes a turn for the deadly. To whom can Deadshot turn when he’s left beh...

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Rate the Universe reviewed Suicide Squad #6 Mar 2, 2024

I really think that Tom Taylor does not know Deadshot or Batman during this read. Not only did both characters not act their usual selves but they also used as comedic moments… hmmmmm… however the beginning was really good and sets up the middle well before it tumbles down.

Suicide Squad #6

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Jun 24, 2020

The hunters have become the hunted! Task Force X is the world's most wanted-on the run from heroes and villains alike and no closer to taking down the puppet master who's been pulling their strings. But even if they go to ground, there's no hiding from the World's Greatest Detective, and it'll take every deadly trick in their playbook for the Squad...

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Rate the Universe reviewed Suicide Squad #5 Mar 2, 2024

Boomer, Harley, and Deadshot… pretty good read until the ending. I get they are setting up for a twist but *shew*

Suicide Squad #5

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: May 27, 2020

They say loose lips sink ships-and Captain Boomerang has the biggest mouth on Earth! That's why Lok commands Task Force X to bring him in and  shut him up for good! The hunt is on, but nothing ever goes according to plan in the Suicide Squad-at least, not if Osita and her mutinous Revolutionaries can help it. Will Deathstroke and Harley f...

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Rate the Universe reviewed Suicide Squad #4 Mar 2, 2024

Finally, something I enjoyed. Boomer coming in the way he did was good, and we get back story to the main leader of The Revolutionaries that establishes a motive.

Suicide Squad #4

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Mar 25, 2020

With the chaos of Task Force X's first mission behind her, Dr. Harleen Quinzel launches a psychological investigation into the current residents of Belle Reve-and when the infamous Harley Quinn is worried about someone else's mental health, you know there's a problem! What does Deadshot know about the machinations of their deadly new teammates, the...

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Rate the Universe reviewed Suicide Squad #3 Mar 2, 2024

Great start, a dumb founding middle, and ends strong. I enjoy the artists work but the writer has not won this fan of The Suicide Squad.

Suicide Squad #3

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Feb 26, 2020

It's Task Force X's first mission as a brand-new team of blood enemies, and things have already gone horribly wrong! As Squad members start to turn on each other, the mission rapidly falls to pieces-but new team leader Lok will let no bad deed go unpunished. Who will take the fall? One thing's for sure: there will be hell to pay...

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Rate the Universe reviewed Suicide Squad #2 Mar 2, 2024

Tries to be Ostrander with a strong start and finish, but fails to be a Suicide Squad comic by having The Revolutionaries still the spotlight. I felt like I was reading a The Revolutionaries comic guest staring The Suicide Squad.

Suicide Squad #2

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Jan 29, 2020

After the absolute carnage of Suicide Squad #1, a new Task Force X has been assembled-even before the bodies of teammates and friends have had a chance to cool! What's left standing may be the most capable and uncompromising Suicide Squad ever brought together. But it's also the most divided. Forced to fulfill the agenda of a cruel new taskmaster, ...

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Rate the Universe reviewed Suicide Squad #1 Mar 2, 2024

The Revolutionaries group is The Authority but less compelling and The Suicide Squad feels like wanna be copycat of what we have had in the past. This is a horrible start to something I wanted to read.

Suicide Squad #1

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Dec 18, 2019

Task Force X-nicknamed the Suicide Squad-unites some of the DCU's unlikeliest villains for its bloodiest series yet! The Squad's new mission is to neutralize a new group of international super-terrorists known as the Revolutionaries-and not everyone on either side will make it out back alive! But when the U.S. government's most deniable team of do-...

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Rate the Universe reviewed Suicide Squad #9 Mar 2, 2024

Predictable and a wanna be Ostrander but without the gravitas. I am very disappointed in the execution (no pun intended) on how to kill Deadshot nor the reasoning. I get that you want to deny Deadshot of having a future with his daughter after all the bad but this… this was just dumb and the twist adds to the stupidity.

Suicide Squad #9

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Sep 23, 2020

This issue, it’s the shocking death of Deadshot! The man who never misses has been on the front lines of Task Force X since its inception-bomb in his neck, gun in his hand. He’s seen teammates blow up and countries fall. He’s faced down heroes and villains alike. Now the Suicide Squad has one final mission: bring down the man who enslaved the...

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