King Rex Comics's Profile

Joined: Sep 07, 2024

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Batman (2016) #136

Sep 8, 2024

This is the point of Zdarsky's run where you should jump off. It's not just that the writing declines in quality, Zdarsky begins contradicting and rewriting his own story to fit the new path, one that becomes bloated with poor attempts at redefining the Batman Mythos. Abandon all hope ye who enter.

Batman Vol. 3: The Joker Year One

Sep 9, 2024

"The Joker is a type of Zur-En-Arrh" is a sentence I never expected to say, and understanding it changes nothing about The Joker in a real way. Zdarsky's entire run seems desperate to redefine and insert itself into every major Batman story and yet proves to be nothing more than a footnote in the big picture.

Plastic Man No More! (2024) #1

Sep 7, 2024

Putting this comedic character in a mortally serious take really fleshes out the character. You see how his relegation as a comic relief means when he's being serious, Plas is often ignored. And when faced with the realities of like, such as a wife and kid, Plas poorly handles shakes to his status quo. But with the promise of a nuclear bomb quest to save his son, we get to see the heart inside Eel O'Brien. Great first issue. Can't wait for more

Rare Flavours Collected

Sep 7, 2024

Rare Flavours is an absurd concept handled with such care and life it morphs into something that defies genre. Cannibals, assassins, history and good food. Rare Flavours is one of my favorite comics of all time.

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