ArthurHansen3535's Profile

Joined: Oct 23, 2024

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Iron Man (2024) #1

Oct 23, 2024

Brutal take on this? It's retreading things that other writer have done better many times before. Tony somehow has one of his old armors injure him and puts him in the hospital for weeks and has no Avengers, Rhodey, Riri or even Pepper Potts even show up. He can't find a virus, so he just updates everything, which is absolutely the last thing you would ever, ever do. So plot-proof villain shows up and has somehow repurposed his Mysterium armor into an Iron Monger and can turn off any suit, yet somehow Tony won't go back to the last suits that were almost analog, he has to craft a super-new-old style suit with a sword. Worst dreck since we found out Tony Stark is adopted baby Stark and his parents are a washed out SHIELD and washed out HYDRA agents.

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