RL's Profile

Joined: Nov 04, 2015

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Overall Rating
Red Lanterns #39

Nov 4, 2015

Just the fact that this series has been taken over by one of the lamest superheroes and any Universe, Guy Gardner, And the fact that they reduce what could have been a badass Supervillain, Atrocitus, Into a third-rate nobody... Where do they get these writers? Give me a storyline, And a group like the red lanterns, And I would have been causing all sorts of badass havoc across the DC Universe With Atrocitus at the helm. They really ruined a good book. Atrocitus could easily be like a Darkseid, or Lex, or Parralax or Thanos or Magneto type but they turned him into a lame ass that got beat by another SUPER lame ass. How sad. I'll be spending my money somewhere else until they correct this error.

Red Lanterns #40

Nov 4, 2015

Final issue, probably because they made a boneheaded decision of putting Guy Gardner at the helm instead of Keeping Atrocitus in, making him bad ass and powerful like he should be, and having them wreak all sorts of havoc throughout the universe. This is a prime example of fanboyism Destroying what could have been a great story. Guy Gardner is lame Af. Atrocitus could have been on par with some of the best super villains anywhere. But its obvious the writers of this Comic Are horrible, and shouldn't be put anywhere near A pen and paper, Or a keyboard for that matter.

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