janvanhamme's Profile

Joined: Jan 28, 2016

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House of X #1

Aug 7, 2019

Hickman calques himself. This comic book is a mash-up of old Hickman's ideas. The superhero threat on Krakoa is exactly what Hickman did in The Ultimates. The big head was Reed Richards and instead of Krakoa there was a big city under the dome. New symbols and new language apperas in every Hickman's book like Black Monday Murders and Avengers/New Avengers (Captain Univere used it). There we have new kind of plants which were used in The Ultmiates and the idea of mutants who take over the Earth as a higher evolution species (Xorn and Zorn). I think I am fed up with Hickman. He brings nothing new.

Silver Surfer (2016) #1

Jan 28, 2016

Funny and surprising

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