mjolnir1963's Profile

Joined: Apr 28, 2016

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Batman (2016) #29

Aug 17, 2017

Often, after reading a particular issue, I like to come on here and read the reviews of said issue. I was actually shocked when I saw what a low composite score Batman #29 had been given. After looking at the reviews, it's pretty much split down the middle, either you loved it or hated it. Hard to figure, as I thought this was an outstanding piece of writing and art. The whole concept of the dinner "courses was brilliant. I see everyone raving about Metal, (which I thought was just OK), but trust me, this is the best bat book of the week, month, or even year.

Bloodshot: Salvation #1

Sep 23, 2017

The only thing I knew about Bloodshot was that he was one of those creations from Valiant back in the 90's. I faintly remember that Jim Shooter had something to do with Valiant, I think he was the head guru for awhile there. Anyway, I took a chance on this because I like what that Jeff Lemire does, and was pretty surprised how good it was, at least for new readers. Without rehashing everything about his "origin," the reader gets up to speed pretty good. While just about every super-being these days has a "healing factor," (a great deus ex machina) and the "hero that just wants a normal life" story has been done to death, this had some depth t it. I think I will stick around for a few issues.

Doctor Strange (2015) #9

Jun 28, 2016

I'm enjoying this semi-reboot of Dr. Strange. What attracted me originally, besides my old love of the character, was Jason Aaron. After what he did with Thor, well, it wasn't hard to try this out. I'm not a huge fan of the art, sometimes it's not real clear what's going on, but I'm sure many would think that's a great asset to a book about magic. I liked how Aaron tied in the idea of Strange "messing up" and having to fix what he did, and of course the whole "using magic takes a toll on you" trope is well-used here. Looking forward to the conclusion, and then hope that the hint of "The Old Ones," Shuma-Gorath, and the Lovecraftian stuff is explored more.

Injection #14

Aug 17, 2017

This issue really tidied some things up for this arc. As usual, Ellis delivers the tech blended with the sorcery stuff really well. Not for the light reader, but really well done. I'm not gonna lie, early on this series had me doubting whether to stay with it, and if Ellis had lost his touch. But I stand corrected. Glad to say so.

Maestros #1

Oct 20, 2017

i took a chance on this. With all of the new series constantly being launched by Image, it's hard sometimes to decide which ones are just hype, and which ones are really good. I have to say, Maestros is really good. It has a lot of familiar elements, but with just enough humor and pathos, not to mention great artwork, to give this a return visit.

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