mjolnir1963's Profile

Joined: Apr 28, 2016

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mjolnir1963 reviewed Maestros #1 Oct 20, 2017

i took a chance on this. With all of the new series constantly being launched by Image, it's hard sometimes to decide which ones are just hype, and which ones are really good. I have to say, Maestros is really good.

It has a lot of familiar elements, but with just enough humor and pathos, not to mention great artwork, to give this a return visit.

Maestros #1

By: Steve Skroce
Released: Oct 18, 2017

The Maestro and his entire royal family have been murdered. Now, his banished son from Earth will inherit the Wizard King's throne along with a spell that turns its user into GOD. With enemies everywhere, will this Orlando-born millennial be able to keep his new magic kingdom?
From STEVE SKROCE, the storyboard artist of The Matr...

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mjolnir1963 reviewed Bloodshot: Salvation #1 Sep 23, 2017

The only thing I knew about Bloodshot was that he was one of those creations from Valiant back in the 90's. I faintly remember that Jim Shooter had something to do with Valiant, I think he was the head guru for awhile there. Anyway, I took a chance on this because I like what that Jeff Lemire does, and was pretty surprised how good it was, at least for new readers. Without rehashing everything more

Bloodshot: Salvation #1

By: Jeff Lemire, Lewis Larosa
Released: Sep 20, 2017

A BLOCKBUSTER NEW ONGOING SERIES! From New York Times best-selling writer Jeff Lemire (BLOODSHOT REBORN, Moon Knight) and extraordinary artists Lewis LaRosa (BLOODSHOT REBORN) & Mico Suayan (BLOODSHOT REBORN), a bloody and vengeful new era for Bloodshot begins this September as Ray Garrison escapes his violent past to build the one thing he never t...

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mjolnir1963 reviewed Injection #14 Aug 17, 2017

This issue really tidied some things up for this arc. As usual, Ellis delivers the tech blended with the sorcery stuff really well. Not for the light reader, but really well done. I'm not gonna lie, early on this series had me doubting whether to stay with it, and if Ellis had lost his touch. But I stand corrected. Glad to say so.

Injection #14

By: Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey
Released: Aug 2, 2017

"Something lies beneath the henge and the megaliths and the moor, and the storm may wake it."

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ModestMoonMan reviewed Batman #29 Aug 16, 2017

A pretty interesting dinner scene concept. Usually I'm not a fan of issue-wide exposition, however King writes Riddler and Joker dialogue so well that it makes for an excellent read. This issue is mostly build up, and will probably read better in the War of Jokes and Riddles trade, but still a great issue.

Batman #29

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Aug 16, 2017

"THE WAR OF JOKES AND RIDDLES" part four ! Batman has done his best to keep the peace, but with neither faction backing down, he may have to choose the lesser of two evils if he wants the violence to end. Will Batman embrace the murderous anarchy of The Joker or the bloody fascism of the Riddler? If he wants to win, he'll have to choose a side-and ...

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mjolnir1963 reviewed Batman #29 Aug 17, 2017

Often, after reading a particular issue, I like to come on here and
read the reviews of said issue. I was actually shocked when I saw what a low composite score
Batman #29 had been given. After looking at the reviews, it's pretty much split down the middle,
either you loved it or hated it. Hard to figure, as I thought this was an outstanding piece
of writing and art. The wh more

Batman #29

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Aug 16, 2017

"THE WAR OF JOKES AND RIDDLES" part four ! Batman has done his best to keep the peace, but with neither faction backing down, he may have to choose the lesser of two evils if he wants the violence to end. Will Batman embrace the murderous anarchy of The Joker or the bloody fascism of the Riddler? If he wants to win, he'll have to choose a side-and ...

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mjolnir1963 reviewed Doctor Strange #9 Jun 28, 2016

I'm enjoying this semi-reboot of Dr. Strange. What attracted me originally, besides my old love of the character, was Jason Aaron. After what he did with Thor, well, it wasn't hard to try this out. I'm not a huge fan of the art, sometimes it's not real clear what's going on, but I'm sure many would think that's a great asset to a book about magic.

I liked how Aaron tied in the idea of more

Doctor Strange #9

By: Jason Aaron, Chris Bachalo
Released: Jun 22, 2016

•  Stripped of all of his magic, Stephen Strange scours the globe for any weapon he can use against the Empirikul.
Rated T+

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mjolnir1963 dropped Cry Havoc from their pull list Jun 28, 2016

Cry Havoc

X-Men Legacy writer SIMON SPURRIER and superstar artist RYAN KELLY present fiends, fragility, and firepower in an all-new series, mixing the hard-boiled militaria of Jarhead with the dark folklore of Pan's Labyrinth. Includes an unprecedented use of multiple colorists (MATT WILSON, LEE LOUGHRIDGE, & NICK FILARDI...

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supercoolyeah reviewed Doctor Strange #9 Jun 27, 2016

You feel for everyone in this comic. The sacrifices that Strange is going to have to make. The compassion of Zelma and the bullheadedness of Wong. The art of Bachalo is awesome and the coloring of Thompson is on point. I can't wait to see how this ends.

Doctor Strange #9

By: Jason Aaron, Chris Bachalo
Released: Jun 22, 2016

•  Stripped of all of his magic, Stephen Strange scours the globe for any weapon he can use against the Empirikul.
Rated T+

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RustonLF reviewed Doctor Strange #9 Jun 23, 2016

Two story points begin to come together, the cost of magic and the last of magic being destroyed. There are subtle details in the art that add to the story in interesting ways. It feels as if now that magic is vanishing the surreal art becomes more grounded. The writing gets me with the supporting cast. I think Aaron tries to make them just as deep as Strange himself and it is appreciated. This se more

Doctor Strange #9

By: Jason Aaron, Chris Bachalo
Released: Jun 22, 2016

•  Stripped of all of his magic, Stephen Strange scours the globe for any weapon he can use against the Empirikul.
Rated T+

mjolnir1963 added The Sheriff Of Babylon to their pull list Apr 28, 2016

The Sheriff Of Babylon

Baghdad, 2003. Florida Police officer-turned-military contractor, Chris Henry is tasked with training a new Iraqi police force. When one of his trainees ends up dead, Chris is forced to team up with Nassir, the last remaining cop in Baghdad. Pulling the strings to bring them together is the mysterious Sofia, an American-educated Iraqi who has retur...

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mjolnir1963 added Doctor Strange (2015) to their pull list Apr 28, 2016

Doctor Strange (2015)

Who do you call when things are coming out of your dreams and trying to kill you? Or when your daughter is cursing in Latin and walking like a spider? Or when your dog keeps screaming at you to strangle your neighbors? Doctor Strange, of course. He's the only person standing between us and the forces of darkness, but has he been paying his tab? Eve...

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mjolnir1963 added Cry Havoc to their pull list Apr 28, 2016

Cry Havoc

X-Men Legacy writer SIMON SPURRIER and superstar artist RYAN KELLY present fiends, fragility, and firepower in an all-new series, mixing the hard-boiled militaria of Jarhead with the dark folklore of Pan's Labyrinth. Includes an unprecedented use of multiple colorists (MATT WILSON, LEE LOUGHRIDGE, & NICK FILARDI...

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mjolnir1963 added Injection to their pull list Apr 28, 2016


Once upon a time, there were five crazy people, and they poisoned the 21st Century. Now they have to deal with the corrosion to try and save us all from a world becoming too weird to support human life.

INJECTION is the new ongoing series created by the acclaimed creative team of Moon Knight. It is science fiction, tales of horror, str...

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mjolnir1963 added The Autumnlands to their pull list Apr 28, 2016

The Autumnlands

MARVELS and ASTRO CITY writer KURT BUSIEK returns to Image Comics with rising-star artist BEN DEWEY for an all-new ONGOING SERIES! Conan meets Game of Thrones meets Kamandi in an original high-fantasy epic for mature readers, as a secret conclave of wizards brings a legendary champion back through time to save the world, with disastrous consequence...

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