Batman is King's Profile

Joined: May 28, 2016

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Overall Rating
Batman (2016) #1  
Batman: Rebirth #1

Jun 5, 2016

Strong preview of what I'm sure will be another fantastic comic run for Batman. Duke is slowly becoming more interesting although his costume design leaves something to be desired. The art is definitely strong and I can't wait for this series to start already.

Flash: Rebirth (2016) #1  
Green Arrow (2016) #1  
Green Arrow: Rebirth #1

Jun 5, 2016

Wow. What a fantastic new beginning for Green Arrow. He was easily the most disappointing reimaginining for the new 52 but this issue fixes all past mistakes. The irony of this billionaire being a social justice warrior has always been one of the best parts of the pre-new 52 DC. The new characterizaton is definitely a highlight as well as the return of that Green Arrow/Black Canary chemistry. The art is also exceptional, providing a new unique look to the series. Overall, an amazing issue that will surely leave fans wanting more.

Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Jun 5, 2016

Another strong Rebirth title that does provide a strong characterization of Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz. Both characters are definitely different from the Lanterns that came before them and they have strong banter with each other throughout. The idea of the two most inexperienced Lanterns protecting earth while Hal and the rest are away does show promise.

Justice League (2011) #50

May 28, 2016

An explosive and epic finale to the Darkseid War. The issue shows great storytelling and understanding of its characters while also providing new twists to their lives. It's hard not to love the issue simply due to Fabok's art. Honestly though its the storytelling an action sequences that elevate this comic to new heights.

Superman (2016) #1  
Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1  

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