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Joined: Nov 28, 2013

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Itty Bitty Hellboy #1

Dec 11, 2013

Itty Bitty Hellboy #01 could possibly be one of the cutest comics I have ever seen. It's a simple read and fun for all ages. Not only does it look fantastic but it reads beautifully, the humour of it works for a new reader and would also work for a die-hard. The thing that I love most about this book is that regardless of the nature of Hellboy himself, this particular comic book could well be responsible for the new generation of Hellboy fanatics, easing them in lightly with a humorous comic about kids. Highly recommended, for kids and big kids!

Nova (2013) #1

Dec 11, 2013

Being a big Richard Rider fan, I was going in to this comic with the intention that it wasn't going to be a great reboot of Nova. Boy was I wrong, mainly because it's as if i wasn't even reading a Nova comic, it was if i was reading something else. Sam Alexander, our new Nova, is no Richard Rider, but i'm glad he isn't! There's plenty of heroic figures out there right now but since Peter Parker kind of grew up, a brooding teenager void needed to be filled. Nova #01 is very Spider-Man like, but I couldn't imagine it done better any other way. He seems to be a very interesting kid and its exciting to know that we're going to watch him grow into the intergalactic space rocket that Richard Rider once was.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures #1

Dec 11, 2013

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures is based solely on the characters of the current television show. If you enjoy the show, then this is the comic for you. #01 is as if it is another episode of the television series. It does not fall in to a particular order of the show which makes it easier for a reader to jump in to. Even if somebody was not watching this particular series, you are able to read this particular book with out the worry of missing vital information. The wonderful thing about this comic is that it can be read by a range of different ages. Most comics out there at the moment are made solely for adults or solely for children of a certain age, but the versatility of this comic allows it to be read by children that are fans of the show or general fans of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In conclusion, this comic has had a strong start. Showing familiar characters such as the Turtles' friend - April O'neil and their Sensei/father - Splinter as main protagonists along with the Turtles, tells us that it is not just another Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic. This comic would not disappoint a turtles fan, new or old.

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