Sideshot's Profile

Joined: Jul 20, 2016

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Overall Rating
Wonder Woman (2016) #3

Jul 28, 2016

I liked this comic. I thought the characterization of Wonder Woman was some of the best so far. Although I did feel that the plot has been moving fairly slow, hopefully it will pick up soon. I liked how Rucka has set up the mystery of this arc, really hammers home how confused Diana is.

Wonder Woman (2016) #5

Aug 25, 2016

I really liked this issue, it moved the plot along, as well as give us some hints of things to come later. I thought the art was great as well. I like seeing how Cheetah is developing as a character.

Titans (2016) #6

Jan 4, 2017

I thought it was a cool comic where Wally has to let go of his past memories, where he now has to embrace his new life and the changes that accompany it.

Infamous Iron Man (2016) #1

Oct 20, 2016

I did not like how this series spoils Tony's arc in Civil war 2. The concept is interesting, but Doom is a much better villan than superhero at this point. I liked the beginning pages showing us how Doom operated, solely for himself.

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