Ascendant's Profile

Joined: Jul 29, 2016

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #5

Jul 29, 2016

This issue was a solid 9/10 for me. A lot of the reviewers are saying that this is a stand- alone issue, but I can't help but see how it ties directly into, and lays groundwork for, the main story. It's a prequel issue, and it very much informs us about Zack's demeanor in the current timeline, and the reason why he, of all the rangers, is so dead set on not trusting Tommy. It shows a brilliant amount of character depth for the one time 2nd-in-command of the original MMPR team, and the perspective it brings him in dealing with the idea and threat of the Green Ranger. As an old school fan of the original rangers , it was cool to see that Jason and Tommy weren't the only one's captured and brought to Rita's Palace to be seduced by power. That Zack resisted temptation and then informed Zordon of Rita's plan, shows that the Black ranger's Humility and Honesty are as much a part of his natural power set, as his dynamic fight moves. Speaking of, I know they're not bringing back Hip-Hopkaido , but it would be cool if the series artist(s) would show off some of the unique combat maneuvers that made Zack a fan-favorite.

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