Coconnection12's Profile

Location: Durham, N Joined: Jan 04, 2017

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Overall Rating
Deadpool (2015) #35

Aug 30, 2017

One of the better Secret empire tie-ins. Unfortunately it being after Secret empire loses it points.

Silver Surfer (2016) #13

Aug 16, 2017

A Cosmic part 1 that feels like the begining of the end of Dan Slot's run on the Silver Surfer. Despite the issue dealing with time travel, the Queen of Nevers, and Galactuus, it was the emotion of love that is the most powerful entity in the issue. As always, the fantastic artistryy and color by Mike and Laura Allred are the engine that make this issue about aging and looking back at life as powerful as it can be, while still being realitvely light. I will be sad to see this book leave my pull list.

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