Kyle Funderburk's Profile

Joined: Jan 12, 2017

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Avengers (2016) #1.MU

Jan 25, 2017

At $4.99 do not waste your money on this, and if the rest of the tie-ins are like this then don't buy them either. The first part of this issue is a small story that just explains why the Avengers are in Boston. There's some good humor and entertaining action. But from there it's downhill. Now don't get me wrong, what follows is fun and entertaining action. But the panels and dialogue is the exact same from the Avengers section of Monsters Unleashed #1. And I mean it, they literally took pages from a book you probably already bought, added a nice but unnecessary story to the beginning and slapped a $4.99 price tag on it. And Marvel wonders why they are getting beaten in sales and in reviews by DC. Absolutely do not buy this issue.

Black Bolt #6

Oct 5, 2017

Saladin Ahmed wrote one of the best comic book arcs of 2017 and the conclusion in issue six was perfect. It hits you right in the heart while telling a very compelling story. Honestly, I'm surprised that this was only the sixth issue. So much happened, but the stories never felt rushed or cluttered.

Inhumans: Once And Future Kings #1

Aug 10, 2017

calling it now, this is going to be the best marvel book for the next six months. If you are a fan of Christopher Priest's work, that should come as no surprise. The book is Priest writing about Black Bolt, Mad Maximus and Medusa as teenagers that will most likely eventually lead to Black Bolt and Medusa falling in love, becoming king and queen of Attilan and Maximus going mad. You know how this series ends, Priest is just the best guy to keep you interested in that journey. Plus, we get to see Lockjaw as a puppy. This book truly has everything you could ever want out of an Inhuman royalty origin story.

Justice League / Power Rangers #1

Jan 13, 2017

This issue left a lot to be desired, but that's the point. If you bought Justice League/Power Rangers #1 or you plan on buying it, you're probably a fan of of both. But this issue won't satisfy all your needs, but it does leave you optimistic for the rest of the 6-issue mini-series. Also, the description DC, Boom and other media gave of the issue before its release is wrong. batman does not mistake the Black Ranger for a villain, it's the other way around. I won't say anything else, but that's odd that the description for the issue is wrong.

Justice League / Power Rangers #3

Mar 9, 2017

Any comic were we can see Shazam in 2017 is deserving of a 10/10. But it's still a good issue, best in the series so far.

Suicide Squad (2016) #9

Jan 13, 2017

Blair Marnell of IGN gave this issue a 4.5 and began his review saying "overall, this isn't bad for a tie-in issue, but it's far from essential." But that is the point. Too often we get big events like this and their tie-ins are one of two things; They either a completely useless, forgettable and readers would be better off if the book would have just continued another story arc. Or they contain crucial information to the story that may leave you lost if you're only reading the event mini series. But Suicide Squad #9 is neither of those. It merely answers questions that didn't need answered, but was good to get answered anyways. And it did so in am entertaining way. If you only bought this issue because it's a tie-in, that was money well spent. In Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #3, Amanda Waller told the Justice League, current Suicide and the readers that the team on their way to Belle Reve is the original Suicide Squad. So Suicide Squad #9 is an introduction to that team and an explanation of their vendetta with Waller. Much like last week's Justice League was Maxwell Lord Rebirth. These are tie-ins done right. It's not useless fluff and it's not extremely information. It's just a tie-in and a good one at that. You don't have to read it, but if you do, you're treated to an entertaining backstory of characters that are a major part of JL vs. SS #4.

Thanos (2016) #11

Sep 28, 2017

It's really short which does take away from it's score. If this book was $2.99, the score would be 8.5. But it's short in a good way. It's all action and very little dialogue. It's a heavyweight fight from start to finish and it was just round 1. It helps that the art of the action scene's were fantastic. It's definitely worth a second glance through just to appreciate all of the punches, knees and throws of the fight again. Thanos continues to be one of the most consistently good books in Marvel Now 2.0 libraries and that looks to carry on into Legacy.

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