Eric Henson's Profile

Joined: Jul 14, 2017

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Overall Rating
Ash vs. The Army of Darkness #0

Jul 14, 2017

With a beautiful cover from the ever so detail-oriented Nick Bradshaw and fluid, expressive interior art by Mauro Vargas, this issue boasts a tone that is spot-on with the film that spawned it while still offering a fresh take on the world of the Deadites. The crisp, well paced dialogue combined with fun visual storytelling makes Ash vs the Army of Darkness #0 undeniably "groovy"!

Ash vs. The Army of Darkness #1

Jul 19, 2017

A nice first issue that successfully builds on the momentum of its prelude, this issue has a bit more action and a pinch more wit than last month's entry. It also does a solid job of moving forward to develop its own characters and voice--relying less on previous incarnations of the Evil Dead films and setting up fresh stakes and more outlandish threats than expected.

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