Amani Cooper's Profile

Joined: Aug 06, 2017 About Me: I am a reviewer/editor for the website Outright Geekery.

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Overall Rating
Generations (2017): Wolverine & All-New Wolverine #1

Aug 16, 2017

This issue of Generations was the one team-up I was looking forward too. Tom Taylor has delivered yet again for the Generations event, and Rosanas and Woodard gives us good clean work. Generations: All New Wolverine & Wolverine #1 is a perfect balance of action and heart that's part of the Wolverine charm.

Riftworld Legends #1

Aug 16, 2017

Riftworld: Legends #1 gives the reader surprises from beginning to end. Jonathan Williams does a great job of establishing the world of Riftworld: Legends. Daniel Wong combines a little realism in his art with some nice detail here and there. This is no generic fantasy adventure book. There's a lot in store for this book and its team.

Riftworld Legends #2

Aug 6, 2017

Riftworld is a fun book to read. I am loving all of these characters. From grandma to Thora, they have all been very interesting, especially the Captain. He’s not as one dimensional as it seems. In case the cover got you asking questions, yes, we have a new character. Thora, a Dalurin huntress, descended from Druids. Seriously, I was cautious about this story introducing a new character. This story is set somewhat in what could be medieval times. Gender relations ain’t that great. However, Jonathan and Daniel do a great job of bringing in Thora. Nothing tryhard or gross about it. I can’t help but get apprehensive when fantasy/adventure comics introduce female characters. Thanks to Williams and Wong for handling it well. It seems as though each issue answers questions and makes new ones. That’s not a bad thing since it keeps the story going. Williams and Wong are slowly but surely building up to a grander point in this story. However, we need to take a look at what we have. Adventure/fantasy comics are fast becoming a genre that I will have to keep my eye on. Riftworld Legends is one of the reasons why.

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