Quasi-Rick's Profile

Joined: Sep 28, 2017

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Generations (2017): Wolverine & All-New Wolverine #1  
Iceman (2017) #4

Sep 28, 2017

Been giving this comic a try, because I do like the character of Ice Man and have since the 90's when I was introduced to the X-Men in Animated Form. But honestly apart from the fact they are still going with the whole angle of having current 616 Ice Man being gay, even after they explained that the past X-Men team was actually from another universe not a time displaced version of the 616 team. Essentially meaning current Ice Man shouldn't be gay as the past Ice Man that is isn't even really a past him. Aside from all that bit of nonsense, this actual issue is bad from the writing to the artwork to the continuity and character errors. In this issue the artist seriously switches up Daken's claws from page to page, initially making them metal claws then possibly realizing mid issue they should be bone so making them bone causing major in issue errors. The characters don't hit the mark at all, none of them have me caring Bobby is just a drama queen, Kitty comes off as an idiotic teacher, the Zack kid is one of the worst written characters in comics (teens do not talk like he does). Daken is also weakly written here and is just in this book to imply some sort of relationship between him Bobby having existed or trying to set the groundwork for fanfictioners to ship them together. Also the story in this comic is just so boring, the idea of it is interesting but the way its handled and with the dialogue used just makes for an overall dull issue. Artwork is decent when not contradicting itself, the concept for the issue is an interesting concept just handled very poorly, and the whole long running arc of Bobby working up the courage to tell his parents he is gay is really just not engaging at all. Genuinely just pass this series up its not worth anyone's time. That's my thoughts at least.

Invincible Iron Man (2016) #8  
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #4  

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