DS4252's Profile

Joined: Oct 04, 2017

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #1  
Avengers (2016) #672

Oct 4, 2017

This issue is really awesome I have not been a fan of the Mark Waid run so far. The Kang arc was okay but the Mike Del Mundo art really hurt it for me with the exception of the Thor one-shot Secret Empire tie in I liked that one and I consider the issue before this current one to be god-awful. But this issue is exactly how a superhero comics should be written it was fantastic and the art by Jesus Saiz was nothing short of incredible.

Doctor Doom (2019) #1

Oct 15, 2019

Fantastic. I'd say this book follows Doom characteristically more than Fantastic Four has. I'm Fantastic Four he kind of feels like he just flipped flopped from wanting to be a hero to going immediately back to his old self. This feels more right.

Excalibur (2019) #1

Oct 30, 2019

It was dope and completely worthy of the name Excalibur.

Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #1

Jan 25, 2019

Loved it! The writing by Donny Cates was as on point as always and Geoff Shaw's pencils were fantastic.

The Life Of Captain Marvel #3

Sep 20, 2018

I have been absolutely loving this book which is odd because I hated the previous series (Mighty Captain Marvel) by the same writer. Stohl does a great job of humanizing Carol and making me identify with her more as a person (especially because I'm a New Englander myself), the New England accent is dead on which is a plus for me and I love the supporting characters. The art by Carlos Pacheco (the here and now) and Marguerite Savage (flashbacks) is fantastic along with the colors from Marcio Menyz, and what great Marvel book would be complete without letters from the great Clayton Cowles. This book does a great job of redeeming Carol after the events of Civil War II and I would like to see this creative team continue on after this mini is finished up. Highly recommend.

Thor (2018) #1  

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