geekgenre's Profile

Joined: Dec 17, 2017

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The Gravediggers Union #1

Dec 17, 2017

The story is a joy to read, it feels weighted and oversized as Image Comics describe which is great as never had I felt a comic issue feel quite in depth to read and time to indulge, its 30 pages of glorified heart wrenching adrenaline!. We follow three main guys Cole, Ortiz, and Haley whom are veterans in their line of work from the a committee called the Grave Diggers Union, whom are to protect the ordinary citizens from the strange undergoings of the supernatural attacks like zombies and other weird like creatures from the ground. I love Wes Craig's artwork especially from Deadly Class, in the following he sets the mysterious scenes of uniform like human instincted primates that are placing strange green-like goo jelly to a dark tree-like alien at the top near an dead-like chthonic creature. Its visually perplexing and refined work in the first few pages, you get a lot of richness in the art however we are not also there to glance in awry about that the richness in a different way also goes to Toby Cypress’s art has a lot to be desired than first seen, it may take a little getting used to, but once you follow, you are immersed in the grindhouse like, frantic and scattered yet poetic drawing with the ben day dots and fray black lines that darts around to create texture in the characters. “The Gravediggers Union” #1 is a dirty, gritty yet full on in depth comic story, and is a brilliant issue one comic, Craig’s work is full of layering of information and is as easy to digest in its introduction, whilst Cypress compliments all of this with intensity and poetic emotion in the drawings with much angst in a good way like an overpacked sketchbook about workers tyring to stop supernatural entities. I absolutely loved it and it has something for everyone, and is my top ten comic books this year!

The Gravediggers Union #2

Dec 17, 2017

Wes Craig’s art is great in Deadly Class  as I have reiterated as some of my favorite comic art comic out right now, and with the writing in it continues to be great in Issue #2. We see here a much slower pace in the storytelling and action but we make up by setting up all of the three main scenes very well with the full flow of things! The first scene is wonderful with Wes Craigs art here on yet again our monkey ancestors, I guess that were enslaved to some alien creature things – those Cthulhu-like tree entities which want to find out more but again only mere spooky snippets on what they do, and we are eager to know if these are the origins of these supernatural happenings in the present! Toby Cypress’s chaotic darty yet consistent sketch lined art is a wonder to behold with the again hallucinating hazy colouring by Niko Guardia, where in particular the hazy backgrounds of the witch’s camp and candle light spraying splotches makes the washed-out look very arty to look at! @geekgenre

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