AcePedro's Profile

Joined: Jun 03, 2018

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Overall Rating
Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #15

Oct 5, 2018

It takes half of the issue to get to the fight with Overlord and it's over quickly, but that's why it's worth it. It's freaking intense as you don't ever get time to process the deaths of the characters as they happen (if they are really deaths, mind you). The issue ends in a devastating cliffhanger, one of those rare cases that'll make you want to pick the next issue immediately.

Transformers: Sins of the Wreckers #1

Jun 3, 2018

Transformers: Sins of the Wreckers #2

Jun 3, 2018

Slows the pace a little bit for exposition, and the action get a little too light at times, but is still good action and retains the intrigue of the previous issue.

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