Wulthus 's Profile

Joined: Dec 14, 2018

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Overall Rating

Wow. This is what I have been waiting for!

Hawkman (2018) #21 Feb 12, 2020

I did like this duel. Felt like I finished this book in like a minute. Was a quick read and it left me pissed of because I have to wait a month for answears. This is what I have been waiting for since issue #1. The one question I have is how was Hawkman infected? But I guess that will be expalined in JL or the next issue. -This felt like a good jumping on point if you have not been reading Hawkman. -Pat Oliffes pencils are good in this one. - I always like seening the person behind the mask so getting inside Carters head was nice. - Skytyrant is bad ass. - The cliff hanger... I need the next book now. Hawkman under Venditti is so ******* good.

Just reread this. This is Hawkman now. This is THE Hawkman run.

This was a good comicbook. Outer Darkness is fun and brutal.

This is a twisted book. And I like it.

Batman / Superman (2019) #3 Nov 6, 2019
Justice League (2018) #35 Nov 6, 2019

This keeps getting better. One of the best superhero comics out there right now.

Love what Venditti is doing here. Best comic run in a long time.

Never been a Hawkman fan before. But I am now a fan of this version. So good.

Reviews for the Week of...


