Perry_comics's Profile

Joined: Jan 03, 2019

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Detective Comics (2016) #994

Jan 5, 2019

Comic Book Review Scale (0-10) 0 -1 Story must keep me engaged: From the first page to the last page I was kept engaged and wanted more, one part gave me chills. 1-2 Must be able to Understand the Story A very fluid story you can just pick up without reading previous issues and understand what's going on. 2-3 Visuals/Artwork must make sense and be consistent artwork was consistent and made sense 3-4 Visuals/Art work must be able to tell the story The art in the panels told the story and the words mostly filled in the blanks 4-5 Visuals/Artwork must be pleasing The artwork was very pleasing and detailed 5-6 Cover Artwork Regular cover is nice the variant cover is amazing with Bruce as an 8-year-old boy standing over his parent's bodies with the batman reflection in their blood 6-7 Keep the reader wanting more I wanted the next copy very bad as the story is pretty good and leading up to the 1000th Detective comics issue 7-8 Catches me off guard (story/art) The story abruptly changed course from a quick phone call and ended with someone dying didn't see that coming at all from the cover and first few pages 8-9 Makes me want to talk about it ( to people outside the comic community) The story is good but nothing amazing that I would talk about it with people unless I'm at my LCS 9-10 Re-readability Looking the comic over after reading don't think after I seal it in the bag id ever reopen it for a re-read

Detective Comics (2016) #995

Jan 5, 2019

Comic Book Review Scale (0-10) 0 -1 Story must keep me engaged: The story picks up right after the previous issue and then more death and then the ending cliffhanger made me say oh shit! 1-2 Must be able to Understand the Story: I'd recommend having the last issue read but the first page kind of recaps the previous issue 2-3 Visuals/Artwork must make sense and be consistent: artwork made sense and was the consistent only part that wasn't was when **spoiler** Alfred answered the door and was stabbed by "Zorro" in the first panel the full mage you clearly see "Zorro" with a big brimmed circular hat and the next page last panel you see him walking away with no hat on just what looks like a full head mask, I could be wrong but this was the only thing that stood out to me. 3-4 Visuals/Artwork must be able to tell the story: Very nice artwork and images alone could tell the story but towards the end, the wording is needed to help explain what possibly is going to happen next 4-5 Visuals/Artwork must be pleasing: The artwork is very pleasing love the last page could have been a variant cover 5-6 Cover Artwork: the main cover was nice and relevant think the variant was nice too the main cover was for the first half of the book and the varient ties in the ending and next issue 6-7 Keep the reader wanting more: definitely kept me wanting more and I want more give me the next issue already pretty good countdown issue to #1000 7-8 Catches me off guard (story/art): multiple times I was caught off guard as I'm sure Bruce was a cough off guard too 8-9 Makes me want to talk about it ( to people outside the comic community): don't think I'll be talking about this to anyone outside of my LCS 9-10 Re-readability: enjoyed the issue but I'm going to seal and probably won't ever read again

Freedom Fighters (2018) #1

Jan 3, 2019

Comic Book Review Scale (0-10) From 0-1 Story must keep me engaged: Freedom Fighters will keep you engaged in the story from the first page until the last. 1-2 Must be able to Understand the Story: From start to finish the comic makes it very clear what is going on, the time jump was very fluid and didn't bring any confusion, the potential main character was briefly shown for 3 pages and leaves you wanting to know more about him and where he went off too. 2-3 Visuals/Artwork must make sense and be consistent: Artwork was consistent 3-4 Visuals/Artwork must be able to tell the story: Artwork flows perfectly with the story 4-5 Visuals/Artwork must be pleasing: The artwork was pleasing but did expect more Nazi Flags/army soldiers 5-6 Cover Artwork: Variant cover is very nice, the reason I picked this up 6-7 Keep the reader wanting more: The ending left me wanting the second copy but no big cliffhanger 7-8 Catches me off guard (story/art): The ending didn't do much for me the beginning caught me off guard when they killed the original freedom fighters and time jumped 50 years into the future 8-9 Makes me want to talk about it ( to people outside the comic community: Don't think I'll talk to anyone about this not much to say 9-10 Re-readability: Doubt I will reread this more of a one and done

Hardcore (2018) #1

Jan 5, 2019

Comic Book Review Scale (0-10) 0 -1 Story must keep me engaged Story first page I was confused wasn't sure what was going on then boom next page and wow action that I didn't see coming all the way to the end of the first issue definitely want to grab the next issue 1-2 Must be able to Understand the Story to me at least a new story never heard of a storyline like this and I think I understand everything that's going on and looking forward to more issues! 2-3 Visuals/Artwork must make sense and be consistent visuals looked consistent throughout the story and made sense 3-4 Visuals/Art work must be able to tell the story Visualy would be hard to tell the story but art workflows well with the story 4-5 Visuals/Art work must be pleasing art work is pleasing, enjoyed on page 6 2nd to last panel the gunshot how they are this diamond yellow shape very cool 5-6 Cover Art work The cover looks good you see the main character and the bottom right the last characters but not sure why the woman in the center and the man/woman with glasses also there is the 2nd cover not too many people know about kinda wish there was a cool variant 6-7 Keep the reader wanting more The story does keep you wanting more and considering a pull list 7-8 Catches me off guard (story/art) the story is enjoyable and does catch me off guard a few times and that ending is like man wonder how he's gonna get out of this one 8-9 Makes me want to talk about it ( to people outside the comic community) it does and doesn't definitely and my comic shop and maybe to a few friends 9-10 Re-readability Don't think I will reread this book

Killmonger (2018) #1

Jan 5, 2019

Comic Book Review Scale (0-10) 0 -1 Story must keep me engaged: Going into it i didn't think i would enjoy or even finish it but it kept me engaged from start to finish 1-2 Must be able to Understand the Story: At first, I didn't understand what was going on but slowly as the story progressed i think i understand it better and enjoy the story 2-3 Visuals/Art work must make sense and be consistent: visuals make sense but at times was not consistent when killmonger fought the first guy in his apartment he slammed the window on his head and exploded his head but next panel you see his head hanging out the window 3-4 Visuals/Art work must be able to tell the story: Artwork works well with the story but artwork alone won't tell you the story 4-5 Visuals/Art work must be pleasing: visuals are pleasing 5-6 Cover Art work: The cover is cool but i think it could of looked more aggressive since this guy is a total badass 6-7 Keep the reader wanting more: i picked up the second issue and its way better than the first the ending last page didn't really do anything for me and wasn't action pack or climactic at all. 7-8 Catches me off guard (story/art): a few times i was caught off guard like when they took him right to kingpin or when they stopped him from killing that drug/human trafficer 8-9 Makes me want to talk about it ( to people outside the comic community): i wouldnt talk about it with anyone first issue was eh i dont think i would even get into a conversation about it at my lcs 9-10 Re-readability: wouldn't reread

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