Perry_comics's Profile

Joined: Jan 03, 2019

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Perry_comics reviewed Killmonger #1 Jan 5, 2019

Comic Book Review Scale (0-10)

0 -1 Story must keep me engaged:
Going into it i didn't think i would enjoy or even finish it but it kept me engaged from start to finish

1-2 Must be able to Understand the Story:
At first, I didn't understand what was going on but slowly as the story progressed i think i understand it better a more

Killmonger #1

By: Bryan Edward Hill, Juan Ferreyra
Released: Dec 5, 2018

One day, Erik Killmonger will rise up and attempt to steal the throne of Wakanda. The throne he believes he is owed. But long before he became "Killmonger," there was a boy known as N'Jadaka. A boy who was stolen from his home and taught only the world's cruelties. A boy who knew ...

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Psycamorean reviewed Killmonger #1 Dec 8, 2018

This issue was kind of a drag to get though. I didn't really find any of the characters relatable or interesting. This is just a mediocre revenge story.

Killmonger #1

By: Bryan Edward Hill, Juan Ferreyra
Released: Dec 5, 2018

One day, Erik Killmonger will rise up and attempt to steal the throne of Wakanda. The throne he believes he is owed. But long before he became "Killmonger," there was a boy known as N'Jadaka. A boy who was stolen from his home and taught only the world's cruelties. A boy who knew ...

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Perry_comics dropped Freedom Fighters (2018) from their pull list Jan 5, 2019

Freedom Fighters (2018)

Line up for this all-new maxiseries set on Earth X, where the Nazis won World War II! Twenty years after invading and occupying America, Germany wiped out all metahuman resistance, including the original Freedom Fighters.
Fast-forward to the present day, and a new team of Freedom Fighters emerges to challenge the Nazi occupation once again. Bu...

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Perry_comics reviewed Hardcore #1 Jan 5, 2019

Comic Book Review Scale (0-10)

0 -1 Story must keep me engaged
Story first page I was confused wasn't sure what was going on then boom next page and wow action that I didn't see coming all the way to the end of the first issue
definitely want to grab the next issue

1-2 Must be able to Understand the Story to me at l more

Hardcore #1

By: Andy Diggle, Alessandro Vitti
Released: Dec 19, 2018

SERIES PREMIERE! Imagine being able to take over the body of anyone on Earth. Sound crazy? Not for Agent Drake and the Hardcore Program. They can turn any person into a human drone to get to targets that normal soldiers can't. Drake is the best soldier Hardcore has to offer. But when he gets stranded in a body with only 72 hours to discover who's h...

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Linkush reviewed Detective Comics #995 Jan 2, 2019


Wow, this issue has it all. Badass batman, one of the most touching moments in a comic book I read in a while, gorgeous art and an interesting story.

Pick this one up. I can't recommend it enough.

Detective Comics #995

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Alfred Pennyworth...attacked at the Wayne mansion! Who's hunting those closest to Batman? The monstrous shadow creature plaguing Gotham City gains the upper hand when two of the Dark Knight's most ardent allies fall prey to the violent vendetta. Will those tragedies send Batman over the edge? Good thing he's on his way to Arkham Asylum-but will he ...

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REYNARD reviewed Detective Comics #995 Jan 2, 2019

Once again, the Tomasi/Mahnke dream-team hits it out of the park! After only two issues, it's safe to say that Bats is finally in good hands again.

The art and writing continue being solid.

Leslie succumbs to the Joker venom, and Alfred is stabbed by a man in a Zorro outfit. Fun callback to Year One with the chair and the bell.

Also enjoyed the reference to Damian' more

Detective Comics #995

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Alfred Pennyworth...attacked at the Wayne mansion! Who's hunting those closest to Batman? The monstrous shadow creature plaguing Gotham City gains the upper hand when two of the Dark Knight's most ardent allies fall prey to the violent vendetta. Will those tragedies send Batman over the edge? Good thing he's on his way to Arkham Asylum-but will he ...

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waltgator93 reviewed Detective Comics #995 Jan 2, 2019

Issue started out good but went slightly downhill in a confusing way. The art was amazing! Cliffhanger definitely has me excited for new issue, shit is about to go down.

Detective Comics #995

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Alfred Pennyworth...attacked at the Wayne mansion! Who's hunting those closest to Batman? The monstrous shadow creature plaguing Gotham City gains the upper hand when two of the Dark Knight's most ardent allies fall prey to the violent vendetta. Will those tragedies send Batman over the edge? Good thing he's on his way to Arkham Asylum-but will he ...

Perry_comics reviewed Detective Comics #995 Jan 5, 2019

Comic Book Review Scale (0-10)

0 -1 Story must keep me engaged:
The story picks up right after the previous issue and then more death and then the ending cliffhanger made me say oh shit!

1-2 Must be able to Understand the Story:
I'd recommend having the last issue read but the first page kind of recaps the previous issue more

Detective Comics #995

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Alfred Pennyworth...attacked at the Wayne mansion! Who's hunting those closest to Batman? The monstrous shadow creature plaguing Gotham City gains the upper hand when two of the Dark Knight's most ardent allies fall prey to the violent vendetta. Will those tragedies send Batman over the edge? Good thing he's on his way to Arkham Asylum-but will he ...

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myconius - Jan 8, 2019

that line you said about "enjoyed the issue but I'm going to seal and probably won't ever read again" really resonated with me. these issues have been real page turners for me, but so far i've not been excited to revisit these issues yet. i mean i skim through them for a quick refresher before reading the next new issue, but i've not been compelled to actually give issue 994 a nice SOLID and thorough re-read since the very first time i'd read it. mostly i've just skimmed it for the art.

Perry_comics reviewed Detective Comics #994 Jan 5, 2019

Comic Book Review Scale (0-10)

0 -1 Story must keep me engaged:
From the first page to the last page I was kept engaged and wanted more, one part gave me chills.

1-2 Must be able to Understand the Story
A very fluid story you can just pick up without reading previous issues and understand what's going on.

Detective Comics #994

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke
Released: Dec 12, 2018

Batman's strangest case begins as the new creative team of writer Peter J. Tomasi and artist Doug Mahnke take over DETECTIVE COMICS!
Commissioner Gordon calls in the Dark Knight Detective when there's a murder at the Gotham City Aquarium-staged to look exactly like Thomas and Martha Wayne's crime scene, right down to the Playbill and pearls. H...

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Perry_comics reviewed Freedom Fighters #1 Jan 3, 2019

Comic Book Review Scale (0-10)

0-1 Story must keep me engaged:
Freedom Fighters will keep you engaged in the story from the first page until the last.

1-2 Must be able to Understand the Story:
From start to finish the comic makes it very clear what is going on, the time jump was very flui more

Freedom Fighters #1

By: Robert Venditti, Eddy Barrows
Released: Dec 19, 2018

Line up for this all-new maxiseries set on Earth X, where the Nazis won World War II! Twenty years after invading and occupying America, Germany wiped out all metahuman resistance, including the original Freedom Fighters.
Fast-forward to the present day, and a new team of Freedom Fighters emerges to challenge the Nazi occupation once again. Bu...

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Perry_comics added Freedom Fighters (2018) to their pull list Jan 3, 2019

Freedom Fighters (2018)

Line up for this all-new maxiseries set on Earth X, where the Nazis won World War II! Twenty years after invading and occupying America, Germany wiped out all metahuman resistance, including the original Freedom Fighters.
Fast-forward to the present day, and a new team of Freedom Fighters emerges to challenge the Nazi occupation once again. Bu...

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