CaptainMarx's Profile

Joined: Feb 06, 2019

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Female Furies #1

Feb 6, 2019

"What if Eva Braun had 'Leaned In'?" "What if Benito Mussolini was 'Benita Mussolini'?" "What if Margaret Thatcher was... Margaret Thatcher?" This book is fascism in a power suit and stylish, yet practical heels. This book seems to posit that fascism would be better if only it had a little femininity injected into it. Ahistorical, mindless pablum.

Vote Loki #1

Jun 2, 2021

Just read this because it was recommended to read before the Loki series premiere. My god, this sucks. One would think that Loki is a standin for Donald Trump, but he could easily be Bernie Sanders. The "criticism" levied is that skepticism of the political establishment is inherently dangerous and it is better to settle for the devil you know than the devil you don't, which also assumes that the latter actually is demonic. It also peddles the theory of incrementalism; that a better world is made one person at a time. A theory that is proven incorrect by worsening material conditions. Fuck this book. Utter trash.

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