Frosh77's Profile

Joined: Oct 09, 2019

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Powers of X #6

Oct 9, 2019

Overall, Hickman successfully modernizes Claremont and post-Claremont canon. He accomplishes this several ways. Chief among them: the Moria retcon, Phalanx’s return, and the mutants eventually lose to transhumans subplot. This all works well to set the stage up for the new ongoing series, but the end of both Powers and House seems derived from something taken from the celebration after the Battle of Endor. It’s more of a clean ending to the series rather than a satisfying one. It seems there are many ideas in motion here, but aside from the Xavier/Magneto/Moria dynamic, there wasn’t much character development. The trial of Sabretooth notably lacked any lasting or visceral impact. I look forward to reading more, but it seems a weekly 12 issue maxi-series should deliver more than a status quo change.

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