Varanis's Profile

Joined: Dec 18, 2019

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Overall Rating
Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #1

Dec 18, 2019

Dennis Hallum and Scott Hepburn have done an amazing job adapting Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw's Cosmic Ghost Rider while keeping the character fresh. Hallum utilizes some fantastic narrative devices to keep the story grounded as we're sent on another wild and crazy hellfire bananza. Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw's back-up story, "Semper Fight," is a cannot miss event which cements itself as a seminal chapter of Cosmic Ghost Rider's nascent history. The short itself is worth the price of admission not even considering the fantastic main story by Hallum and Hepburn. Seriously, buy this book. You won't regret it.

Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #2

Jan 26, 2020

While it doesn't reach the highs of the first issue, this issue is still a ton of fun. Plot wise, this issue mostly feels like set up for what looks like a wild third issue. Scott's art really pulls this issue together. His details will keep you interested and engrossed in each scene even when the plot lags a little.

Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #3

Feb 19, 2020

Revenge of the Cosmic Ghost Rider #4

Mar 25, 2020

Great issue! Answers many of the questions you probably had from the first few issues.

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