NurseDoDo's Profile

Joined: Feb 26, 2020

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A.X.E.: Death to the Mutants #2

Sep 7, 2022

This is a great chapter in the ongoing cross-over, and it is entertaining to be sure. However, it's overall esthetic quality is hurt by a lack of continuity. Not to the series as a wholw so much as within itself. Dialogue bubbles and even major character designs change in minor and major ways; going beyond nit-picking. I can shrug and move on when the deviant Karkas has normal hands despite his weird claw mitt things being one of the more charming aspects of Kirby's original design. But to have dialogue bubbles change from signature colour/text to generic (especially when the character is not even in panel) throws a reader. Likewise having the Celestial Progenitor change to Arishem the Judge (possibly some confusion because Progenitor is kinda doing Arishem's work in this series) for some pages is just confusing. Did not ruin my enjoyment, but definitely made it one of the quirkier chapters in one of Marvel's better cross-overs in years. Things I loved: Kro flirting. Ikaris' podium outburst. Karkas being used at all (and Kro's plan in which he was involved)

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #4

Sep 6, 2022

I enjoyed the first few issues more. The title change on the book, and reaching the series' mid-point had me maybe expecting more? The battles are mainly just crowd shots with little to show how our favourite villains would throw-down vs each other. Lots more of the exposition leading the story and the spectacular art feels more supplemental. Stuff just happens and I feel like reading a synopsis of it later after the series has wrapped would be more concise than the actual events as they play out. Re-reading the last few pages, they are filled with pseudo science and story beats that feel like they are happening because they are happening, not because of any clear victory or loss, strategy or otherwise.

Tarot (2020) #2

Feb 26, 2020

Let me start by saying I am biased. The Defenders will always add a point or three to my opinion just for being a favourite. That said, this issue is quite enjoyable despite the Avengers feeling like background characters. In many ways Diablo is the main character more than any of the heroes. A villian whom Stan lee admits is his least favourite villian he created and has always been sort of third tier at best. However, here he comes across as a legit threat despite remaining his usual bumbling arrogant self. Great bits: The Banner and Vision impersonating Ant-Man and Yellowjacket (though exactly WHY I am not certain). Surfer being sent out for coffee spoke to Diablo's ridiculousness well. Annoyances: Hulk is supposed to be immune to mind control. All old fans know this and it is frustrating that long time Marvel creators forget it. Wanda's headpiece becoming her old Kirby styled one for one panel. Inker or penciller error? Diablo knows who the Watcher is? I must have missed where he encountered him previously. Anyway... still fun. Still buying next issue.

Tarot (2020) #3

Feb 28, 2020

Okay. In my last issue review I mentioned the "error" of the Scarlet Witch slipping back to the wrong headpiece. It is apparent after this issue that it was intentional and other characters are/will be experiencing similar. That out of the way, this issue really brought it's A game and it IS everything I miss about a lot of my favourite titles lately.... IT'S FUN! As a long time comic reader it really appealed to my inner child and fangirl aspects. The Wacky Races bit (complete with Dick Dastardly / Muttley appearance) was great and out of left field completely (but not unwelcome). I kinda love Alan Davis' writing now. The mix and match / Swap - Force versions of the Avengers and Defenders in the 3rd act was great. I could handle a book just featuring Doc Surf and the others. A shame this is only 4 issues. I could let this go on and wash over me each month.

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