David_the_male's Profile

Joined: May 04, 2020

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Aquaman: Deep Dives (2020) #1

May 4, 2020

wow, what a pleasant surprise after reading that shitty wonder woman comic this was a breath of fresh air. I really like the villain I actually like Aquaman he's like a cocky king and that attitude is hella badass the art is pretty great and the action scene was amazing I overall like the characters but not as much as I did in superman: a man of tomorrow but this takes close second I am excited to read more and I like it a lot.

Aquaman: Deep Dives (2020) #2

May 4, 2020

didn't enjoy it near as much as I enjoyed the first issue, Aquaman still is a fucking badass and the Sea Devils are kinda cool ... I guess they are mostly corny and the entire story wasn't as fun to read as that badass battle with mantis in the first there is a basis that I like but the characters lack charm except for Aquaman he's still kinda badass. the way they kill the sea creature was kinda weird. the whole saving the ocean gimmick was hella corny and made me kinda turned off but I didn't despise the message, it's just the way they say it which sounded like an ad to save the ocean. overall it was kinda ok... I guess I hope they improve the quality next issue cause the first one was litty

Captain America (1998) #1

Jan 7, 2021

Well, first off this is the first comic series that I have gotten into so my opinions may be different from someone who has been reading comics for years, so forgive me if I get excited about twists that have happened thousands of times before in other comics. So this begins in japan and apparently, Captain America has been assumed dead for over a year. It starts off with a group named Strikeforce Ukiyoe, and they have the belief that Japan has been corrupted by westernization. The villain Lady Deathstrike is extremely boring and pretty standard. She never felt like a real threat and she doesn't get enough development. This first issue I feel isn't good at showing how good this series gets. I think the ending is pretty good and the action and art is something that is very consistent throughout the series. I never really remember this issue that often and it is very forgettable, average at best.

Captain America (1998) #2

Jan 7, 2021

The second issue is MUCH better. The action is a lot better, with some creative kills and the ending with the shield being lost is a constant throughout the series and affects him in a real way. This issue has some really cool moments and I feel the artist really flexed their muscles in this issue with some great art. Great job

Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #1

May 4, 2020

This is the first comic I've read to completion in years, and it feels good to be back! before I read this I honestly didn't really care for superman and thought he was boring. and was too overpowered, I only really watched the man of steel, Superman vs Batman, and justice league and these movies portray him as this boring-ass overpowered alien. but after finishing this I fell in love with his character and Lois Lane as a character also (TBH Didn't know much about her either) in fact all the characters in this book are lovable and have so much life in each action. The story isn't some masterpiece of writing but the characters are likable, the villain is interesting and the story is heartwarming. The way they portrayed Clark kent in this is amazing, he seems like such a good guy and idk I just can't bring myself to hate him. Lois lane is honestly fantastic as well, really funny and the scene when she throws his clothes down the side of the building made me chuckle. the art in this book is absolutely fantastic all the characters look great and the action scenes are expressive and badass. also Superman throwing some high IQ moves. Overall great book, Great Art, Great Characters, no reason for you not to pick this up for a dollar.

Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #2

May 4, 2020

I enjoyed this a lot, the art remains consistently good and Clark is portrayed well and really likable. the story was pretty interesting and kept me reading to the end. Lois is also great still one of the funnier characters so far, any scene she's in I enjoy a lot. Lots of action ended up really liking the villains especially the guy robbing the bank near the beginning straight up GOAT. great comic, enjoyed the whole way through and interested to keep reading

Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #3

May 5, 2020

really enjoyed this issue maybe not as much as the first two but still, I liked it a lot. lex Luthor is saucy as hell and kinda feels like he has everyone under his thumb. Clark is still adorable. the fight scene was alright, I liked it but it wasn't anything mindblowing and nothing near the battle from the first issue. the art is still really good and most of the main cast is extremely charming. overall still pretty good.

Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace (2020) #1

May 4, 2020

It was a struggle to read through this shit, this had me fucking begging for the story to end. wonder woman is kind of alright, I guess she's funny in the beginning when people want to take a picture with her and she says all that serious ass shit. though that was kinda funny Harley is fucking annoying. she's just not funny.. at all as not one joke fucking landed. this comic was boring the way they kill those creatures with goddamn donuts was so boring completely unimaginative, boring. whenever Harley had a text I heard her voice in my head and that shit got so annoying so fast. that random ass old man, have no idea who the hell he is. the villains were fucking idiots and gave up one villain had the fucking ability to call creatures from different GODDAMN dimensions and decides to give up for a wonder woman autograph. which makes NO sense. the security guard pulls a gun in the middle of the goddamn street with people walking around. it was not funny, characters ranged from boring to mind-numbingly annoying. the action was shit and the art was pretty good but not anyway NEAR the new superman comic. overall straight GARBO but... wonder woman lowkey lookin like a snack so that raises it 1/2 a point for her thick ass thighs on the GANG XD

Wonder Woman: Agent of Peace (2020) #2

May 4, 2020

ok, I liked this a bit more than the first issue. action is a bit more improved art is still kinda mediocre Harley is gone thank fucking christ, replaced by Lois which I preferred tenfold. In the beginning, when wonder woman saves all the kids from the typhoon, that was pretty heroic also when Lois thinks to use the helicopter seats to use for insulation for the coat THAT WAS PRETTY SMART. the villain was generic the ways Wonderwoman defeated the beast was kind of meh as well but kinda smart. the art is still nothing that's amazing action tends to feel disconnected. I think there is some SJW undertones somewhere in this book, but I didn't mind too much. Wonderwoman is kinda fuckin boring. Lois still best girl(YOU CAN FITE CUZZZ). not as fucking mind-numbingly horrible as the first more kinda generic. idk kinda forgetting about as I'm writing

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