BCohen94's Profile

Joined: Aug 26, 2014

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Batgirl (2011) #36

Nov 15, 2014

It's good.

Storm #1

Sep 3, 2014

What a bland and forgettable start to a series. While this comic may be only made for people who are already fans of Storm (and there are many) it does nothing really amazing with her from what I can guess, and for new readers who aren’t familiar with Storm, this comic isn’t going to suck them in. The plot is simple and self-contained; Storm saves an African village from a tsunami, the government doesn’t like her because MUTANT. She goes back to a Mutant Academy (more than one now) and is called a sell-out by a whiny mutant (Creep), so then she overthrows that same African village’s militant government, who may or may not be a specific African country militant. That’s it. Also the beginning starts with a mini-origin of Storm, and it ends with Creep getting what she wants. A self contained story was a good idea on it’s own, no need to know any info beforehand and nothing trying to forcibly chain readers for the next issue, but if you’re going to make a self contained story, do not pull any punches and go all out awesome! This was weak-sauce stuff people. But what about the art you may be asking? It’s good. There is nothing really bad about it, it works. The colors may be a bit too muted. Back to story and characters! Storm seems arrogant and easy to anger, she goes back to the village only because a mutant with the ability to make small plants called her a sell-out. She gets angry and attacks Creep, but takes her words to heart and beats down the militant of the village she saved. It’s one of those generically evil African militant, so there are no moral questions asked when she basically intervened a country’s government. If any 1st world country decides to intervene something there are always big questions if it’s right or wrong. Imagine the questions that would be asked if a personified deadly weapon intervened in Syria. Controversies all over the place people! Mutants already have a bad rep (for good reason). So just skip this.

The Multiversity #1

Sep 3, 2014

This was a weird, yet very engaging start to a series. I won’t talk much about plot but I will say this. It basically dumps you into its (multi)world(s) and says “HEY! GOOD LUCK JACK-A$$ ON FIGURING THIS ONE OUT!” And as you go along you figure things out, but it doesn’t start that way, like at all. Sure you can say that for all stories, but ones like these don’t hold your hand into throughout it’s story so to speak. But it’s not just being confusing for the sake of being confusing, it has a tangled up story in here and becomes untangled by the time you finish reading it, and it doesn’t require multiple readings to just get it, so it’s a balance of jigsaw puzzle and linear plot structure. Alright but what about the art (since I don’t want to talk about the story too much), it’s really good art. The characters all look great and are consistent, backgrounds are good, and the evil thing trying to kill the multiverse is beautifully horrifying. That was some H.P. Lovecraft style art right there. Characterization is either simple, subtle, obvious, or a mix of 2 or all 3 (sorta). And some of the multiverse characters are interesting to see (superhero rabbit with cartoon physic powers people, that’s some silver age weirdness right there). I don’t want to revel much but I want to convince you people to read this. Maybe a high rating will do better, I doubt you people actually read the user reviews anyway.

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