RiseLegend's Profile

Joined: Nov 04, 2020

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Hellions (2020) #8

Jan 13, 2021

This book is just a lot of fun. I never thought this would be at the top of my pile but here we are. The continued follow up to the fallout from X of Swords is a fun read and I find myself more invested in these rag tag characters that I thought wouldn't work together but they do. Following the fun story is the very solid art that pops and is full of a lot motion and emotion. I recommend picking this up if you're into offbeat X-Men crazy violent weird story.

Hellions (2020) #11

May 17, 2021

Solid issue, although it does feel a bit uneven. The strengths of this issue are definitely the dialogue and the relationships that have been built up in the series. The art is good and very good at facial expressions that adds to the comedic timing of the book. I feel like there were some missed opportunities with utilizing more of Arcade's Murderworld gimmick even though they established the expanded room for grander designs and exploration. A minor critique but I felt like the pay off needed a little bit more of a kick to it to elevate it. I think the overall feeling I got was wanting more and then it just wrapped everything up and we're on our way to The Hellfire Gala. Here's hoping that's awesome. I recommend picking it up for a consistently dark and funny good time.

Inferno (2021) #1

Sep 29, 2021

That's how you start an X-Men event. Everything feels like a big deal and so much of the seeds that have been planted are growing and flourishing. Hickman knows how to get us excited for his events with the twist and turns and so many threads to follow. I especially thought the big reveals in the infographics page were a lot fun. The art was great in this as well with all the characters popping with great expressions and color. If you're an X-Men and Hickman fan, pick this up!

Inferno (2021) #4

Jan 5, 2022

This is a great finale to this short but sweet series. I definitely didn't see this ending coming. I did not want the Hickman era to end, but it does feel like a good end and a new beginning. It feels like a new era. The new X-Men era opens up a lot of great possibilities. There's definitely some things left unresolved but you can tell someone else or who knows maybe even Hickman can pick up these story threads later. The art is also amazing. A lot of crazy action and great character moments that made me pause and appreciate a job well done. Pick this up if you like great character moments, awesome action, and of course love for the X-Men.

Juggernaut (2020) #5

Jan 13, 2021

What an ending. This has done a great job of setting up Juggernaut as such a dynamic character going forward. I hope this is not the end because I quite liked this take on the character and it definitely feels like his story is far from over. The only critique I have is the art, it looks cool and pops in the actions beats but when it slows down for the character beats it tends to get a little uneven. Recommend this if you want a great Juggernaut story with fun action and stronger characterization.

Marauders (2019) #20

May 17, 2021

It's the bottle episode of the series and a send off to one of our fellow Marauders. Definitely paying respect to the character that has to set sail on to another adventure and having fun telling tales about their many feats of adventure. It does a good job of making it feel like the end of an era and a beginning of a new one. The art is also very good at facial expressions and full of personality that adds to this very character driven story. Alas, it's full sail to The Hellfire Gala next, count me aboard for the next tale.

New Mutants (2019) #14

Dec 22, 2020

Great start of a new era. I felt like this series is finally clicking to what it's going to be. I dig the new direction. Putting this in my pull list and in for the ride. The art was also a great fit for the story. I felt like this issue had a good grasp of the old familiar characters and created some interesting new ones. I recommend picking this up if you love a X-Men tale that feels familiar but full of so much new possibilities.

Runaways (2017) #32

Nov 5, 2020

Welcome back! It's like reuniting with your charming super powered friends. A great story that will send you on a good rollercoaster of emotions and a new status quo that charts a new path for the series. On top of this the art is really good at capturing the emotions as this is more character development issue. I recommend it!

X-Factor (2020) #9

May 17, 2021

What a bittersweet issue. I was not on the boat when this series started but man now I don't want off of it. This comic does characterization and building a team so well. I love the interactions and the interpersonal relationships they've established and this issue is just a great chapter in solidifying this a place in the current X-Men era. The art is also so good as it goes from having some many dynamic ways to tell the story and make you care about each character that comes in with their great designs and vibrant colors that make this book pop. I was always intrigued to find out more in this little corner of the world they've built. I don't know if many of you have heard that this book is nearing its end, but I highly recommend reading this before it goes and hope it comes back in some shape or form.

X-Men (2019) #14

Nov 5, 2020

Great character piece and art. This is a lot of retreading old ground and giving us great characterization for Apocalypse and Genesis. You can feel the weight of the emotional impact this will have on Apocalypse as he becomes a much more compelling character. The cautionary tale of Arrako added a nice learning from history dynamic that added a lot to the possible future of Krakoa. I'm excited for the fight and also concerned for what might happen to these characters. The art was spectacular as well with such beautiful colors that emoted such beauty and tragedy. Recommend it.

X-Men (2019) #16

Jan 13, 2021

Great character development and set up. I love the fallout from X of Swords. This is building up a lot of great potential for future stories. The art is also very neat and expressive for the strong character driven story. Looking forward to the next issue. I recommend picking this up as a breath of fresh air for the new X-Men status quo.

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