MickTheNerd's Profile

Joined: Dec 19, 2020

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Amethyst #6

Dec 19, 2020

This series was one of the JUST okayest reboots I've ever read for...anything. For one its KIND of mean-spirited in changing literally EVERYTHING about Gemworld as a traditional fantasy towards a more darker morality tale, as well as Amy's origin. "Oh hey, you know how we told you you're the savior of Gemworld and your birth parents were good people! JK-everything you knew is a lie because GENRE SUBVERSION!" And don't get me started on the pointless "Science fantasy" aspect, which is barely touched on in the series. Amaya SAYS its more like science than Earth magic, but never actually EXPLAINS the science! Just friggin' say its magic, CHRIST. And maybe I wouldn't take offense if this were an original title, but in previous books the house of Amethyst was mostly benevolent, especially the VASTLY underrated "Sword of Sorcery" story where her mom Graciel is a bad ass warrior woman. SPEAKING of, did that version of the story just...not happen? Did Rebirth reboot it? If so, WHY? WHY change something so much? Not to mention all previous benevolent side characters are either acrimonious towards Amethyst, or just straight up monsters, so if you were a fan of Prince Topaz from either the OG series or the cartoon, you're NOT gonna get a good version here! Amy's artwork also runs the gamut in this book, primarily the faces which would often give reactions that don't match the face. I'm a little more lenient on the art here as I assume she was most likely rushed, and know her to be a good artist in other books. AS-for the issue itself, its...an OKAY ending, main character beats the bad guy, her awful parents get arrested, bla bla bla, gear up to the sequel. And WITH that gearing up I give it a 6.5 instead of six, because I DO feel there's potential to it, but I would be lying if I didn't prefer the more traditional swords and sorcery stories. There is potential with this, but I feel Amy would do better as either being just the writer, or just the artist because I just HAVE to feel she was stressed to crank out this six issue story. While I don't care for what she did with many of the classic characters, the new ones she created in Phoss in Maxixe have clear potential. THAT-and find a way to make it feel like it...actually fits into the DC canon as this Amethyst barely looks or acts like the one in Young Justice and is honestly REALLY confusing. WITH THAT-I am Mick the nerd, keep on reading folks.

Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #11

Dec 19, 2020

I know I am too giving with that 2, but it at least kept SOME Of my interest and Ryan Sook's art is immaculate as always. THAT SAID-I am so done with his Legion run. Brian REALLY wants us to believe that Rogol Zaar could NOT ONLY take out a planet of powered Kryptonians, but ALSO a planet of powered Kryptonian HYBRIDS! I'm pretty sure I saw an OMAC Superperson in one shot, the HECK?! And don't even get me started on the bore of a relationship that is Saturn Girl and Superboy, UGH.

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