Greys0n's Profile

Joined: Feb 13, 2021

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Alien vs. Predator: Thicker Than Blood #1

Feb 13, 2021

Alien vs. Predator: Thicker Than Blood #2

Feb 13, 2021

I'm glad that we got a new AvP comic again. The drawings look fantastic and that's why I don't rate it in the ground. Because almost everything else was unfortunately bad. The children only annoyed me, and their behavior didn't seem natural to me, and the huge gaps in logic were also annoying. One example out of many. An elevator on the luxury cruise ship tears off extremities when you stick your arm between the doors? The elevator on my work looks like it is from the 90s and doesn't do this. And yes, the child has overridden the safety locks under stress within 5 seconds ... who would believe that. I could go on and on for a long time. But that would just go beyond the scope. Nice that there was an AvP comic again. Nice that there was an AvP Comic again, but unfortunately it is rather below average. But the drawings make it stand out a little.

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