Batfamily Renegade's Profile

Joined: Apr 23, 2021

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Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #2

Apr 23, 2021

Reviewing the Red hood story here. I feel like this is a case of changing your character to fit your story instead of the other way around. Jason is incredibly inconsistent with how we've seen him in the past and finds himself in a constant state of trying to be badass while also trying his best to make you feel sorry for him. It's kinda giving me whiplash. This is also just an incredibly on the noes story to put him in. I'm hoping this will bring a solid status quo for the character moving forward though. I really dislike the art. It feels too sketchy and messy at times and the faces need a whole lot of work. Overall I felt like I would've had a better experience having someone explain the comic to me rather than actually reading it.

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #3

May 11, 2021

I really want to like this book but I can't. It moves along at a snails pace and still not a lot happened this issue. A lot of the comic is spent in flashback and the things that actually happen aren't exactly interesting. Characterization for Jason is inconsistent but that's expected from an inconsistent character. At least the art is nice to look at. This issue is inoffensive but far from interesting.

Future State: Gotham #1

May 11, 2021

Continuing future state feels pointless. This book is a holdover of something no one has interest in anymore. With that being said the best thing this book does is keep up a brisk pace. Not many things happen here making it feel like more of a teaser than a comic but at least it's quick. Having no colors completely ruins the cyberpunk esthetic. The batfamily already have poor characterization in the short time they have in this issue and it all lacks a hook to keep me interested. Save your money and don't buy this book

Jenny Sparks (2024) #1

Aug 28, 2024

This issue is a puzzling oddity. Tom King for me has been hit or miss and he's written things I've really loved but bad. Bad in a confusing way. How did it get this bad? Is it bad on purpose? Could no editors have found a way to improve it? Who knows? The main problem is the meat and potatoes of the book: Characterization. Captain Atom is being butchered here the most egregiously but every character involved or even mentioned in this comic doesn't leave unscathed. Somehow this comic simultaneously feels like it's trying too hard and being phoned in all at once, which is almost impressive. With that being said it's only the first issue and Tom could indeed turn it all around. He's done great work with less popular characters like this. But we'd all be lying to say this started out well.

Nightwing (2016) #78

Apr 27, 2021

Nightwing (2016) #79

Apr 23, 2021

I'm loving how grounded and real this comic feels so far. Dick and Barbara have such great chemistry together. The art from Bruno Redondo is top notch and brings it above anything else coming out right now. For just a second issue this is really something special.

Nightwing (2016) #80

May 23, 2021

This issue has been the best yet. I really appreciate that the characters drive the story instead of the story driving the characters. This is certainly the best book involving the batfamily and giving those characters some fanservice. The fanservice does go a little overboard at times like when Dicks says Tim might be the best Robin. It's just such an incorrect statement and seems more like something someone would say on twitter instead of in this universe in a canon comic. The fight scene here is just so well done I love it. The latter half of this comic really picks up in a great exciting way.

Nightwing (2016) #82

Jul 23, 2021

This issue is the worst in Taylor's run so far and this is from someone who's been loving it up until this point. The run has been great but The creation of Melinda Zucco is such a bad decision and is as harmful to the mythos of Nightwing as the stone from injustice. I honestly don't know how anyone could read this issue without feeling utterly disappointed. Dick is barely in the comic and it's entirely in flashback explaining Tom Taylor's OC. Yes this is fanfiction and not good fanfiction at that. Tom Taylor really sh*t the bed with this one. He could do so much better.

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #2

Apr 27, 2021

This book has good ideas but they aren't executed very well. The characters feel more natural than last issue but still the pacing and lack of build up hurts this book a lot.

The Joker (2021) #2

Apr 23, 2021

I'm enjoying the characterization for Gordon here and the conversations he shares with both Batman and Barbara are really great and well written if not just a bit long winded and drawn out. This book feels meaty and packed with content but seems to really drag at times. The story is getting a bit more complicated than it should be for something that should be more stripped down. I feel this book is so caught up in the storm of the other batbooks and it shouldn't be. That's a factor that'll really age it in the future. Overall not bad. Although I hope they respect the owls.

The Other History of the DC Universe (2020) #5  
Wonder Woman (2016) #771

Apr 23, 2021

This book is continuing in a really fun way. I appreciate how the tone varies from comedic to dramatic and still manages to pull both off quite naturally. Thor's comments were a bit on the noes though in a "you're supposed to hate this guy" sort of way. He was a bit cartoonish. Aside from that this is a great adventure for Diana. And of course the art is out of this world!

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