Invincible84's Profile

Joined: May 16, 2021

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Overall Rating
Avengers (2018) #44

May 16, 2021

Felt like they really dropped the ball on this story arc. Definitely a.story that didn't need 5 issues. I won't lie I was totally on board for another Phoenix story especially after the relegation of the 1million bc team but this book felt like a filler book to get to king is black tie ins

Batman (2016) #108

May 16, 2021

I am a big tyrion iv fan especially from his detective work he did a few years back but the last couple issues of batman have really just been a drag. Batman/Bruce Wayne doesn't seem to have the voice I have heard over the past couple of years for that this book has entered in the drop pile for me. Maybe I'll give it chance in a months but for now I'm done

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #14

May 16, 2021

Good issue with alot going on however I wanted more explanation on the big threat as we are already 2 issues into a 3 part story and only have vague idea of the big bad

X-Corp (2021) #1

May 16, 2021

Big fan of the Hickman launch but the first title that I had to re-read back to back to fully understand what was happening. I read that this book is only a mini series. I'm hoping that by issue 3 that we have an understanding to why this book is needed or it might just land in my drop pile

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