Sofai's Profile

Joined: May 02, 2013

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Overall Rating
Adventures Of Superman (2013) #2

May 8, 2013

This is an amazing read, one of the greatest Superman stories I've ever read. The ending is perfect and leaves you with a smile on your face after finishing. A must read for any Superman fan.

All-New X-Men #11

May 2, 2013

The cliffhanger from the last issue plays out exactly as expected, but it's satisfying and leads to a great confrontation. The ending sets up what appears to be another tense meeting. Overall another great issue.

Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #19

May 2, 2013

This issue is frustrating to read because the writing is really sub par, but the art really saves the issue from being a complete waste. The art by Szymon Kudranski fits the mood of this issue perfectly, gritty and grim, it paints an ominous dread across the pages. Worth picking up because it sets up the Mad Hatter's goal.

Bloodshot: Rising Spirit #1

Nov 15, 2018

Just an awful debut that took maybe 5 minutes to read and continues the downhill slide of Valiant since the sale.


Aug 1, 2021

Ron Garney’s art is still great, his bloody carnage is always impressive to look at. Unfortunately this issue pretty much covers the same ground as the previous 2, more repetitive fighting in the past as B tells it to Diana. Thankfully the ending seems to be sending this in a more exciting direction because his origin has taken longer than it needed.

Captain America (2012) #6

May 3, 2013

This story is very unusual and my interest has gone up and down over the arc. This issue was one of the strongest so far with some great emotional scenes. My one complaint is that the art is very uneven, particulary towards the end where one characters face seems extremely bloated.

Dark Blood #1

Jul 31, 2021

The opening scene goes on for too long and because of that it isn’t even clear what this series is going to be about. It’s intriguing enough that I’ll get the next one, but the pace needs to pick up especially with only 6 issues.

Dark Blood #2

Aug 31, 2021

Another poorly paced issue that doesn’t cover enough ground and we still have no idea what this is supposed to be about. You need to give a reader some reason to continue and this doesn’t have a hook that makes me want to come back and finish the 6 issues.

Five Weapons #3

May 3, 2013

This issue felt and read exactly like the other two. The story hits exactly the same beats every time and it predictably ends in the middle of a challenge. How will Tyler win? Do I care anymore? No i do not. I wish that things would happen differently and that the series didn't feel predictable and boring, but it does.

Green Lantern (2011) #20

May 22, 2013

This issue is a brilliant ending to Geoff Johns run on Green Lantern. It is relentlessly entertaining with great character moments throughout.

Green Lanterns #29

Aug 19, 2017

Perfect issue to show how important a colorist is to a comic, Alex Sollazzo's colors enhance the art perfectly and makes this issue look gorgeous.

Half Past Danger #1

Jun 14, 2013

This issue is full of scenes that go on and on for far too many pages. There also happens to be almost no plot to the entire issue, with most of the conversations centering on things that won't be relevant in the coming issues. The writer seems to think that being vague and mysterious is what qualifies as a plot. The art is hit and miss throughout the issue. It seems as if Stephen Mooney didn't have enough time to both write and draw the issue and just decided to have a lot of pages with little to no dialogue. A big disappointment.

Hawkeye (2012) #17  
Josie and the Pussycats #1

Oct 1, 2016

The characters are introduced nicely, but it's poorly written in places and too silly when it doesn't need to be.

Jupiter's Legacy: Vol. 2 #5

Jul 12, 2017

Waited almost a year for an issue that features below average Quitely art and several pages that appear like he wasn't the artist.

Satellite Sam (2013) #1

Aug 3, 2013

The story itself was interesting enough, but nothing happened. There was nothing that makes me want to come back and read another issue (which I definately won't) and the art wasn't very good. The pages all feel very cluttered, with the exception of a few, which allow the art to be seen clearly. I wish that there would have been a better sense of pace, spending almost the first 10 pages entirely in the control room made for an extremely boring start.

Savage Wolverine #6

Jun 24, 2013

The art is decent, never terrible, but never any wow images. I was going to rate this a 5, but there is a big issue with when this issue takes place. The front of book says that it takes place around last October, but that clearly isn't true because Spiderman asks Elektra if she has seen the new Star Trek film that came out in May. Sloppy writing and plotting like that is why the issue rated so low for me. The story itself is dull and left me with no reason to come back and finish the arc. I'll hold off on reading this title until the next creators come in.

Save Yourself #2

Jul 30, 2021

I really enjoyed the first issue and sadly this is a big step down. It takes 10-15 pages for Gigi to discover that the Lovely Trio are evil even though she saw them murder someone in the last issue. The art wasn’t great either, the majority of the issue takes place against monochrome backgrounds and you barely have to look at each panel because of it. I doubt I’ll get another issue.

The Wicked + The Divine #23  
Thief of Thieves #41

Oct 3, 2018

Brett Lewis continues to produce the most boring comic I’ve read in quite a while, it’s nonstop talking about oil and destabilizing the economy. Nothing exciting happens and it felt like a chore to finish it.

Thief of Thieves #42

Nov 15, 2018

This gets worse and worse with each terrible Brett Lewis issue.

Wonder Woman (2016) #22

May 11, 2017

Barely advanced the story and Andolfo's art isn't good enough for a major title like Wonder Woman.

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