Willwrites's Profile

Joined: Jul 28, 2021

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Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #5

Jul 28, 2021

Spurrier expertly weaves a tale that shows us the depths of Dane Whitman's character and paves the way for a future filled with excellent stories. His history with writing about mental illness provides a careful and mindful hand where lesser writers would be blunt in their depiction, and it is genuinely refreshing to see considering Marvel's history with how it treats its manic-depressive characters. His blight isn't magicked away with an empty bit of toxic positivity, instead it is managed and treated with empathy. Read Black Knight with an open heart, and buckle up for amazing action and smart dialogue. - Spoilers - Taking the Dread Pirate Roberts tactic and applying it to Dane and Jacks is the best kind of pastiche - it elevates and adds complexity. I'm excited to see what future awaits this father and daughter duo and I wonder if we'll be seeing them work along side some "Witchbreed" in the future.

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