mangafan's Profile

Joined: Dec 09, 2021

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Green Lantern (2021) #9

Dec 9, 2021

This might be the issue where I jump off. I think this series would have been better served by being two different titles at 22 pages each rather than shoved together. The pacing has been really slow and neither of the stories has been very compelling. You'd think that someone on Oa would be wondering where Hal Jordan is at this point considering his history. The John Stewart stuff reads like bad fan fiction. Neither artist is really doing it for me, either. Marco Santucci's half of the book doesn't look too bad, but the John Stewart half has not been good at all.

Green Lantern (2021) #11

Feb 16, 2022

Green Lantern (2021) #12

Apr 12, 2022

Glad this is over with. How far the Green Lantern franchise has fallen.

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