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Joined: Dec 09, 2021

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Maud Benjamin reviewed Green Lantern #12 Apr 12, 2022

A series with no originality at all. All plots are dull. All the things Geoff Thorne does to John Stewart happened before on other lanterns. He is just trying to steal Hal/Kyle's achievements and thinks that would make John Stewart a great character instead of a pathetic copycat. And just thinking about Thorne really think dragging Jack Kirby into this issue can make his poor book work.

Green Lantern #12

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney
Released: Apr 13, 2022

As the dust settles after the battle with the Anti-Guardian, John Stewart, Jo Mullein, and the rest of the Corps pick up the pieces and adjust to their new status quo. The day might be saved, but there's still plenty of work to be done. Everything you know about Green Lanterns is about to change!

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GL Fan 2814 reviewed Green Lantern #12 Apr 12, 2022

What a terrible ending to this series. John ends up being a "chosen one" God like character that cannot die - making a meh character into one that is even less interesting.

Kyle and Guy remain in limbo, and the Guardians are dead once again. What a mess! And the art - Santucci was fine but Tom Raney's style is just plain awful.

One can only hope that they let Throne do what more

Green Lantern #12

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney
Released: Apr 13, 2022

As the dust settles after the battle with the Anti-Guardian, John Stewart, Jo Mullein, and the rest of the Corps pick up the pieces and adjust to their new status quo. The day might be saved, but there's still plenty of work to be done. Everything you know about Green Lanterns is about to change!

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Ulf reviewed Green Lantern #12 Apr 13, 2022

wow, don't know what to say about this one. well, I do. Felt like a 90s comic in the worst way. I give John's new status by the end of the issue, a year or two at most before it's forgotten and retconned.
The art looked more cartoony in this one too -

hoping for better things when the main GL title comes back at some point!

Green Lantern #12

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney
Released: Apr 13, 2022

As the dust settles after the battle with the Anti-Guardian, John Stewart, Jo Mullein, and the rest of the Corps pick up the pieces and adjust to their new status quo. The day might be saved, but there's still plenty of work to be done. Everything you know about Green Lanterns is about to change!

mangafan reviewed Green Lantern #12 Apr 12, 2022

Glad this is over with. How far the Green Lantern franchise has fallen.

Green Lantern #12

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney
Released: Apr 13, 2022

As the dust settles after the battle with the Anti-Guardian, John Stewart, Jo Mullein, and the rest of the Corps pick up the pieces and adjust to their new status quo. The day might be saved, but there's still plenty of work to be done. Everything you know about Green Lanterns is about to change!

mangafan rated Green Lantern #11 Feb 16, 2022

Green Lantern #11

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney
Released: Feb 16, 2022

Not even the combined power of the ex-Green Lanterns, Jo Mullein, and the United Planets can stop the Anti-Guardian! Will John Stewart arrive in time to defeat the threat, and do his new powers even stand a chance? The battle for the fate of the Green Lantern Corps and the entire universe hangs in the balance in the penultimate issue of the “Last...

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Maud Benjamin reviewed Green Lantern #9 Dec 7, 2021

Just dull. Boring characters. Boring stories.

Green Lantern #9

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney
Released: Dec 8, 2021

With trillions of lives on the line, a ringless John Stewart battles the Mad God for the future state of the universe! Meanwhile, Jo Mullein solves the mystery of the Green Lantern Corps’ battery’s destruction as a new and ancient enemy rises. Is this the end of the Green Lantern Corps or will it lead to a new beginning and a resurrection for t...

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DiegoLDUganda reviewed Green Lantern #9 Dec 7, 2021

Isn't suposse that this is a John Stewart's Stewart? Until now we haved great concepts but the execution is horrible. Also, I'm sorry, but the art is terrible, I just can stand to that faces.
Idk, what a dissapointment, this book really hyped me at the start, but now I just hope it ends soon at the #12

Green Lantern #9

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney
Released: Dec 8, 2021

With trillions of lives on the line, a ringless John Stewart battles the Mad God for the future state of the universe! Meanwhile, Jo Mullein solves the mystery of the Green Lantern Corps’ battery’s destruction as a new and ancient enemy rises. Is this the end of the Green Lantern Corps or will it lead to a new beginning and a resurrection for t...

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Sollywoods reviewed Green Lantern #9 Dec 8, 2021

I haven't read green lantern since Grant Morrison took over. I stopped then because Grant Morrisons cynicism is something I grew tired of many years ago. But I love green lantern characters, I may be one of the few who have Kyle Rayner as my favourite, followed by Guy Gardner.

So this comic... I've kept some tabs on the series since I stopped reading and couldn't help myself. I bought more

Green Lantern #9

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney
Released: Dec 8, 2021

With trillions of lives on the line, a ringless John Stewart battles the Mad God for the future state of the universe! Meanwhile, Jo Mullein solves the mystery of the Green Lantern Corps’ battery’s destruction as a new and ancient enemy rises. Is this the end of the Green Lantern Corps or will it lead to a new beginning and a resurrection for t...

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Ulf - Jan 4, 2022

shame you didn't stick with Morrison and Sharp's run, if there's one thing Morrison absolutely isn't, it's cynical (see All-Star Superman, his Doom Patrol and Animal Man, his Batman full run, etc.). Quite the opposite, Morrison and Sharp collected all of Hal's experiences into one great storyline, that took the franchise into much-needed heights after being watered down with too many colours of Lanterns and endless cosmic battles. Sometimes smaller is better.

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RKS reviewed Green Lantern #9 Dec 7, 2021

At this point, kill off all the GL's I don't care. This series used to be fun to read now it's just bad.

Green Lantern #9

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney
Released: Dec 8, 2021

With trillions of lives on the line, a ringless John Stewart battles the Mad God for the future state of the universe! Meanwhile, Jo Mullein solves the mystery of the Green Lantern Corps’ battery’s destruction as a new and ancient enemy rises. Is this the end of the Green Lantern Corps or will it lead to a new beginning and a resurrection for t...

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GL Fan 2814 reviewed Green Lantern #9 Dec 7, 2021

Another issue that dragged from cover to cover. A Guardian gone many times do we need the same tired plot recycled? Only being a GL completionist has me buying this book - and now I wish I'd just waited for them to end up in the dollar bins.

Green Lantern #9

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney
Released: Dec 8, 2021

With trillions of lives on the line, a ringless John Stewart battles the Mad God for the future state of the universe! Meanwhile, Jo Mullein solves the mystery of the Green Lantern Corps’ battery’s destruction as a new and ancient enemy rises. Is this the end of the Green Lantern Corps or will it lead to a new beginning and a resurrection for t...

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Merlyn - Dec 7, 2021

I congratulate myself on dropping this book and I still check from time to time the reviews but Thorne never fails to impress lol. How much longer will DC let the Lanterns book go this way? Why don't just they put Thorne out of his misery? I feel like they couldn't give a crap about the Lanterns lately.

mangafan reviewed Green Lantern #9 Dec 9, 2021

This might be the issue where I jump off. I think this series would have been better served by being two different titles at 22 pages each rather than shoved together. The pacing has been really slow and neither of the stories has been very compelling. You'd think that someone on Oa would be wondering where Hal Jordan is at this point considering his history. The John Stewart stuff reads like bad more

Green Lantern #9

By: Geoffrey Thorne, Tom Raney
Released: Dec 8, 2021

With trillions of lives on the line, a ringless John Stewart battles the Mad God for the future state of the universe! Meanwhile, Jo Mullein solves the mystery of the Green Lantern Corps’ battery’s destruction as a new and ancient enemy rises. Is this the end of the Green Lantern Corps or will it lead to a new beginning and a resurrection for t...

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