WhereIsTony's Profile

Joined: Dec 16, 2021

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Overall Rating

I really want to like this. There is good here. But it just feels too disjointed, not only from recent hulk continuity, but the Marvel Universe in general. I get the need for a fresh start after Immortal Hulk, but that can be done in a less jarring way. It is early, Cates could still connect things, saying what happened to fixit, etc, but I get the feeling it won't be anytime soon if at all. visiting other universes and dimensions can be fun, but if it goes too long, the isolation from the greater MU can start to make things feel inconsequential. Of course I had the same fear when Planet hulk started and was proven wrong, so I am hoping I will be again. Hopefully, the amount of space given to the hulk's imaginary battles will be cut way back now that it established, because after two or three panels, the needed information is conveyed, I.E. Banner subject the hulk to imaginary peril to increase his rage and fuel the "ship." does anyone really care if the imaginary fight is again Fin Fang Foom, a giant Wolverine, or Irving Forbrush? I sure don't. The only way I can see it being relevant is if the hulk breaks free and encounters them in the real world, but that seems unlikely to occur. I will continue to read, but next issue needs to do more than simply rehash the first issue like this one did.

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