RamblingOutlaw's Profile

Joined: Mar 03, 2022

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Batman (2016) #125  
Danger Street (2022) #1

Dec 14, 2022

Honestly thought this was pretty bad. I love King most of the time (and his ambition here is commendable) , but there is too much going on here. I know it will all come together at the end, but this first issue really didn’t convince me that it was going to be worthwhile. The Fate narration sounded really cringy and I really just felt like there was too much going on. The only saving grace is the art, but man is it good. Fornes is incredible. I really loved seeing his Kirby homage. But unfortunately that (and The Creeper) was about all I enjoyed. I’ll stick with Human Target.

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #5  
Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2  
Human Target (2021) #5

Mar 7, 2022

This was a confusing one, but was a very intersting structure. I loved how we slowly came to understand that Chris is having his mind read and he's trying to simultaneously hold on to his thoughts and let J'onn's in. I didn't like how they portrayed J'onn and Fire, but it's Black Label so I won't harp on it. I also didn't quite understand the parts with the girl from Titan, but I appreciated the experimentation in this issue, even if I think it might be the "worst" issue so far.

Justice League (2018) #75

Apr 29, 2022

Kind of shocked to see such high praise for this issue. I'm still excited for Dark Crisis, but this issue was pretty disappointing. It was all so fast and seemingly out of nowhere.

Swamp Thing (2021) #16  
The Department of Truth #16

Mar 7, 2022

Probably the weakest issue to date. Very hard to follow and didn't feel like we got much more information about TDT.

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