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Joined: Apr 19, 2022

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FCBD 2022: Avengers / X-Men #1 May 12, 2022

Praise Kieron Gillen: best story in a long time...

just amazing

The best issue ever.

Amazingly engaging story that made me nearly cry. Twice. Art and plot is great.

Great story with great art and just loved it

Great issue with perfect art, paralleling House of M finale: Emma Frost: 'Oh no'

Great storytelling as an important tie in for the final battle of AvX. Nice art and great world-building in the mansion

Unlike the mixed reviews I really enjoyed this issue. Storyline was a little rushed but you can't blame Bendis... he does a great job with an ensemble cast and unexpected scenes. The art was okay.

Very intriguing story and Bendis writes the Illuminati really well. A really solid story that explores both sides of the AVX debate.

Great issue which repurposed Cyclops as perhaps the hero of the story. Fire and rebirth and all that...

A satisfying end to a journey with both ups and downs

amazing art and good storyline

A great story and characterisation of Warbird. Usually im not a fan of comics that explore Shi'Ar but this one was great. I didn't even pay attention to the art because the story was so engaging.

A nice issue with a good storyline and nice art. Starts out not so great but ends well...

Neat story, engaging enough, some confusing scenes... a good story with solid art.

A surprisingly engaging issue which starts out badly but really picks up towards the end, and serves as both an AvX tie in and SCHISM continuation. Art wasn't great but storyline was

Neat issue with twists and a sense of 'hope'lessness

Cover was bad, story-line was great, so that held this up, art, like cover was also not great..

A good issue, with bad art but a nice storyline and plot, with reference to recent events of New Avengers

Many pointless ages and a boring storyline for this issue. Art held up the issue

A nice story with bad art (expressions) but a nice story that highlights the turning of some X-Men against each other (the phoenix) but overall not extremely engaging

A terrible issue which honestly would be rated lower but the last few pages pick it up.

a boring story with terrible art, pointless scenes and an overall nothing issue.

Reviews for the Week of...




