pootboy's Profile

Joined: Jul 20, 2022

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Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2

Jul 20, 2022

ironically I don't need the benefit of 20 years hinsdight to see how deeply, deeply messed up this comic is on the other hand, i guess we all owe Meghan (because of course her name is Meghan) our thanks for tripping over the cord to the comic industry's life support, and ripping it straight out of the wall. somebody had to do it, and clearly we hadn't the strength.

New Mutants (2019) #30

Oct 15, 2022

Throughout the 20th century, men wrote/drew immersive, powerful, and painfully beautiful stories in comics....mostly to get laid (and pay the bills, whenever possible). Throughout the 21st century, women have written/drawn obtuse, shame-based, painfully self-indulgent stories....mostly to be perpetually fawned over and emotionally validated (and beg for and/or demand their bills be paid, whenever possible). In either case, the motivation is purely selfish, at the end of the day. But just about anyone with the most basic appreciation of the artform can pick up New Mutants #30 and deduce which results in a better comic book.

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