Superman #5

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason Artist: Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 17, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 56
8.2Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

"SON OF SUPERMAN" part five! The Eradicator is unstoppable and it has forced Superman to leave Earth behind to keep his son from harm.

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Aug 17, 2016

    Typically with fight-heavy comic books like this, it's easy to get bored, but Tomasi, Gleason and Mahnke do some exceptional work to not just change up the locale, but to also make a real effort to make this comic a true family affair. Superman #5 is a highlight in what's already been a real highlight for the DC publishing line as a whole - while I don't know if Tomasi, Gleason and Mahnke can maintain this standard of juggling for all three main characters, they've set the bar very high for future installments. Read Full Review

  • 10
    ComiConverse - Kyle King Aug 19, 2016

    Carrying his wife and son inside a submersible, Superman arrives on the dark side of the moon, where he enters a secret base Batman has built for experiments and equipment too dangerous to store in Gotham City. When the Man of Tomorrow declines Superboys offer of assistance, Lois urges her husband to be more of a mentor to their son. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Bounding Into Comics - Earl Je Aug 28, 2016

    It's truly remarkable to see how DC was able to turn things around from the highly divisive New 52 series, largely in part to Tomasi and Gleason setting a high bar for the other titles. Lois and Jonathan certainly stand out and show how important supporting characters are in the Superman series. With the amazing artwork that truly elevated the Superman #5's storytelling ability, it will certainly be hard to live up to expectations the fans will want in the next installment. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Lauren Bullock Aug 22, 2016

    As always, Gleason's stunning artwork and Wil Quintana's gorgeous colors elevate an already riveting narrative to a cinematic level. In fact, if DC Comics is considering rebooting their Superman story in the movie verse (as they probably should), I highly suggest starting here. I'd certainly pay to see it. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Batman-News - Brian Warshaw Aug 17, 2016

    I love this book.Superman has been a joyon just about every level, and this week's installment continues to play to its strengths while layering on some unexpected treats. Every work of art has flaws if you look for them, but the enjoyment of art is not attained by filling out a score card. In spite of its warts,Superman #5 is one of the closest things to perfect I've read in a while. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    IGN - Joe Ruggirello Jul 18, 2016

    If the sight of the Hellbat suit on the cover of this issue filled you with glee, then rest assured that excitement is rewarded many times over. Tomasi & Gleason's Superman has been delightfully bananas thus far, but issue #5 takes things to a whole other level. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Aug 17, 2016

    Another great issue. This has become my favourite title of the Rebirth books.Tomasi and Gleason haveproven that Superman can be a fatherwithout diminishing the appeal of the character. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Aug 17, 2016

    Smart mainstream superhero comics are rarely this good...and intellectually artistic. Thank you DC Comics for bringing back my Superman with Rebirth, and telling morally relevant and inspiring stories with him in these turbulent political times. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Aug 17, 2016

    I like that Superman #5 brought back the shining parts of the previous issues through the interaction of each of the Kent family members and their fervor in watching over each other. This issue makes me feel like the arc is back on track, even if there arent major developments beyond the ending. This focus on storytelling enhances the quality of this new Superman series while also portraying each of the characters in new and interesting ways without sacrificing the underlying themes of the famous S-shield. I think things could be moving up from here and Im excited to see what turns this story takes. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Aug 17, 2016

    Superman #5 is probably the best DC book this week, and by a fairly wide margin. After the stumble of the last issue, nearly all of its former glory has been restored. So much so, in fact, that this may be my second favorite issue of the book thus far. It's really good, and I'm back to being excited for the next issue of this book to come out. I'm really happy the turnaround on that was this quick. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    FanboyNation - R.C. Samo Aug 17, 2016

    I love Superman as a character. The team of Tomasi and Gleason are great writers, but this feels like a very long set up to get us to Super Sons and not just continuing the legacy of Superman. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Graphic Policy - Brett Aug 18, 2016

    The only reason I'm recommending this as a “read” instead of a “buy” is because it's a bit into this particular story arc and new readers may not dig it as much. Folks who have been reading Superman will be pleased. For those who don't, go out and pick up the back issues and find out what you've been missing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Flickering Myth - Tony Black Aug 19, 2016

    All in all, one of the strongest issues yet in a great Rebirth run for Superman. Tomasi & Gleason continue building the character work between this most unusual family dynamic, keeping the central themes of why Superman does what he does, and how it affects those he loves, alongside some excellent panels and a story which gets to his Kryptonian roots. As this story arc begins building to a presumed climax, let's hope Superman keeps on being super. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Aug 18, 2016

    With strong themes of family at its core and slick superhero action gracing the surface, Superman #5 is another winner for the House of El's new solo title. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ian B Aug 17, 2016

    Ultimately I enjoyed this issue mostly for the brief absence of Superman. Lois and Jon needing to fend for themselves for a brief time from a Superman level threat is exciting and harrowing, even if bringing them to the moon in the first place doesn't really seem to make the most sense. With this arc likely ending in the next issue, I can say that I've really been enjoying the family dynamic of the book and I hope that they have a couple of slower, monster of the day type issues between this and the next arc to dig into the family aspect a little deeper. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Aug 17, 2016

    This is a pretty standard story from what we've been getting of this Eradicator dilemma....... even the craziness, but with some awesome fan service calling back to the Batman and Robin series and some amazing art all the way through, this issue continues to please and makes us interested in what's to come........ It's just that we gotta get away from some of the nonsense and start finding out what happened to our Super Dog. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Aug 18, 2016

    While the action has been solid I'm looking forward to the title focusing more on Superman and family. That's truly where this title is at its best. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Adam Frey Aug 17, 2016

    At this point, the best "Rebirth" books are those that have a tight cast and tight single-issue stories. Tomasi's Superman at least has the former, but like so many other books here, it's a stretched-out story that's being written for the trade. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Aug 22, 2016

    Look, I have a lot of love for DBZ despite the unbelievably immature and formulaic plots. Call it nostalgia. So more fighting for the majority of the issue. We didn't learn too much more about the Eradicator. But the Lois moments, Jon sort of stepping up a bit, and Superman talking to the souls elevated this book a little. Still, this seemed like a pause rather than a progression. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Bastards - Austin Lanari Aug 17, 2016

    What at first seemed like a promising exploration of Jon's human/Kyrptonian heritage is really just a dick-measuring contest that used his heritage as a touchstone. The moment at which Superman takes all the Kryptonian souls inside of himself from the Eradicator is just too on-the nose: we get it, he's the best possible torch-bearer of his race, not some unthinking xenophobic genocidal alien. It's weird to see that metaphor so explicitly evinced when almost every goddamn Supermanstory gets this point across. Read Full Review

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