Civil War II #1

Event\Storyline: Civil War II Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: David Marquez Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 1, 2016 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 32 User Reviews: 60
7.1Critic Rating
6.3User Rating

The explosive first chapter in the comic event EVERYONE will be talking about. And we come out swinging with a blistering double-sized first issue from the creative team behind last year's best-selling debut of INVINCIBLE IRON MAN and Miles Morales. A new Inhuman, with the ability to profile the future, emerges and the ramifications ripple into every corner of the Marvel Universe. Lines are drawn, bodies fall, and the Marvel Universe will be rocked to it's very core. The action starts here!

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Brandon Griffin Jun 2, 2016

    There isn't much humor to Civil War II #1, other than a few quick lines, which sets the tone right for what's to come. Bendis is taking this story very seriously and with the stage is officially set, readers will be invested once they get through this hefty first chapter. All the makings of a well done crossover event are present and the gravity of how this will affect every character involved is laid out masterfully. There's little doubt that Marvel is going to use this to shape the landscape for the universe in the coming years. The only question going forward is of course… whose side are you on? Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Jun 2, 2016

    Tragedy rocks the Marvel Universe in Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez's Civil War II #1, a truly widescreen comic book of universe-spanning proportions. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Jun 1, 2016

    Civil War is a beloved crossover event that's considered one of the greatest moments in comic history. Civil War II looks to join its predecessor with a dramatic first chapter that explores how the bitterly the bonds of friendship tear. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Project Fandom - Nina Perez Jun 9, 2016

    It's going to be very interesting to see which side our heroes fall on. I haven't yet finished the first Civil War event (and I will), and I don't know how the ending of the film (and its upcoming fallout in future Marvel films) differ from the conclusion of the comic book series, but it seems as though Tony is a bit more reserved than his character has been in the past. Though his relationship with one of the deceased pretty much guarantees that will change going forward. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Doug Zawisza Jun 3, 2016

    Civil War II #1 really gets things going, weaving in the pieces from the Free Comic Book Day and the #0 issue as writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Dave Marquez embed readers on the front lines of the Marvel Universe. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Black Nerd Problems - William Evans Jun 1, 2016

    Overall, this is a good start to Civil War II. We still get a bunch of crossovers that essentially pit hero vs hero (especially in Marvel) so we weren't exactly in need of this sequel, but it's welcome nonetheless. Bendis and Marquez, as always, will make a good team on this as we find out how the sides get drawn in successive issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Jun 5, 2016

    The issue does a wonderful job detailing characters and allowing readers to understand what's at stake. Tony's pain is *obviously understandable. And the same time, it's also obvious where Carol is coming from as well. The final few pages are terrifying and they have us looking forward to the changes in Marvel Universe. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Heroes Direct - Eammon Jacobs Jun 3, 2016

    Whilst we have alot of faith in Bendis, this first issue is a little rushed. But, we can't wait for the next one. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jun 1, 2016

    Overall, "Civil War II" #1 is a good launching point for this miniseries, even as it integrates the information from "Civil War II" #0 and the Free Comic Book Day special. I'm curious to see if Bendis and Marquez can maintain this level of tension and what they'll add into the mix to keep the conflict burning strong. For now, though, it's more than enough to get readers coming back for more. It's a good lynchpin for Marvel's publishing line over the next few months; they've got another bestseller on their hands here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Jun 13, 2016

    It may be too late for Vanilla Ice, but the timing is perfect for this latest Marvel spectacle. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Eric Bradach Jun 3, 2016

    It's upsetting that we're getting another Marvel event that'll deviate writers from their current stories. Especially so soon after the exhaustion that was Secret Wars(2015). Fortunately Brian Michael Bendis has delivered a strong opening issue that'll hook readers investment. The motivations are genuine and not contrived, which was the biggest mistake of the original. Hopefully this will also lead to strong character development and if it's good, ramifications that'll impact future stories. With assistance from a stellar art team who deliver the goods as well, Civil War II #1 is definitely worth a read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jun 1, 2016

    If you think you've seen a civil war in the Marvel Universe before, think again. Brian Michael Bendis is making this a bigger decision with much more on the line. There is a big decision to be made. Because some characters acted before everyone could agree, there's a price to be paid. David Marquez's art and Justin Ponsor's colors are amazing and this is a really good start to Marvel's next big event. This is just the beginning, and you won't want to miss out on what happens here. Be sure to read the issue before you see spoilers. The Marvel Universe is about to explode. The next big event is here, and there will be casualties. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Marc Buxton Jun 2, 2016

    Again, this is a crossover sure to rankle fandom (but what doesnt these days), but it is clear of purpose and thematically powerful enough to have me intrigued. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Matthew Mueller Jun 3, 2016

    Civil War II contains all the standards of the typical event book. It has conflict, death, a new power at the center of it all, and high stakes, but the creative team is able to rework those familiar elements into a compelling package, and thankfully the story presents two clear ideas that fans can genuinely get behind. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jun 1, 2016

    Like most of Marvel's event comics, the first issue definitely hooks you and has me interested to see what comes next. Hopefully it'll focus more on the actual political debate within and not water it down with actions based on emotions. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jun 1, 2016

    Aside from Iron Man flying off the handle like an erratic child – and the Inhumans' place in the bigger picture of this story not being very clear when it should be – this issue does well to remind us comic book events are meant to be big and important. This has everything you're looking for in a bombastic event series including the irrational characters! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Nerds Unchained - Jeremy Radick Jun 1, 2016

    In the end, while it works as a first issue, Civil War II #1 also makes me concerned that we're going to get heroes making choices that aren't worthy of them, and aren't well orchestrated enough, in order to fit a narrative that sells books. And that's fine, but it's that kind of storytelling that keeps an event book from rising above being simply spectacle into storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 1, 2016

    As far as Marvel events go, Civil War II is shaping up to be neither the publisher's worst nor its most impressive effort. This first issue cleanly establishes the conflict and delivers a nonstop stream of gorgeous artwork. However, it offers few surprises for those not already familiar with the basics of this crossover, and it often fails to elicit a strong emotional response in the way the first issue of Civil War did ten years ago. The excitement factor simply isn't there right now. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Jun 2, 2016

    Overall: Civil War II #1 was a much better read that I was expecting. Bendis delivers a solid start to this new big event. Bendis certainly delivered a strong later half in Civil War II #1 that is sure to get many readers excited about this big event and eager to come back for the next issue. And that is the main goal with any debut issue of a big event. So, Bendis deserves credit for pulling that off with this issue. I would certainly recommend Civil War II #1 to any readers who enjoy big event comics. The stage has been set for what may, potentially, be a rather exciting big event. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Jun 1, 2016

    At this early stage, Civil War II suffers some of the problems that have beleaguered similar narratives in recent years, principally in seeing heroes all too quick to take sides against comrades on a possible future. Indeed, Bendis has set big goals for himself in the past with events built around time travel and alternate timelines, and this series is a variation on some of those recent themes. Yet this is also just the beginning of something much larger, and while it may seem at times like this is an extended version of the "zero" issue that preceded it, all the pieces are now in place for the "war" proper to commence. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Seth Frederiksen Jun 1, 2016

    The concept is excellent and for the most part the story works as it should. There were some beautifully written moments in this issue which connects you to the characters. And this is absolutely aided by the artistic talents of Marquez and Ponsor. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    The Hub City Review - Matthew J. Theriault Jun 3, 2016

    Again, I did not see this coming. Especially after the wonderful zero issue, this had all the ingredients for an excellent event. Some of those even shine through still. Bendis dialog is as snappy as ever. Marquezs art is every bit as polished as McNivens perfect pencils in the original Civil War. And yet this issue is also irrefutably a confluence of everything wrong with Marvel at the moment. It leans too strongly on its cinematic success, too lightly on consistent characterization. It pushes pointlessly Ms. Danvers and the Inhumans on a largely indifferent readership, all at the expense of more clearly defined and compelling characters such as Captain America and the X-Men. And worse of all, the political and moral message it is trying to make is completely confused in its execution. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 3, 2016

    Beautifully drawn, awkwardly plotted, seriously over-priced... Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 2, 2016

    It's going to have to get better fast to persuade me to change my mind, but right now, I think I should have trusted my first instinct and passed on this event. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Jun 1, 2016

    All in all, Im interested to see what happens with Civil War II in the coming issues. Events on this scale take time to develop, so I hope that we get deeper into what drives a wedge between Carol and Tony. As it stands, the setup is slightly believable, though rather on the nose. This first issue of the event also has some of the first Civil Wars misgivings, which Im surprised and not happy to see. Yet, things may improve as the story moves forward. Read Full Review

  • 5.5 - John McCubbin Jun 3, 2016

    Civil War II #1 is ultimately a disappointing start to Marvel‘s latest event. Despite there being some interesting points, the execution, lackluster development and poor dialogue prevents this from reaching it's potential. The way it skips over certain key areas that were previously shown in the FCBD issue also don't help improve things, with there being a lot to work on heading into the second issue. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    CourtOfNerds - Kevin Carley Jun 1, 2016

    Again, you might think reviewing this comic is strait forward. The dialog is stilted, with some of the worst Spider-Man quips ever written. The story is based on events we never see. The great art cant off set this, right? Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jun 4, 2016

    The basics of the story are all fine. I like Bendis as a writer, and Marquez is a god of an artist. So the dialogue is fun and the art is fantastic. But even their best efforts can't overcome how forced and tired this all feels. There are no stakes anymore. Deaths are meaningless. Big Events are meaningless. Bendis and Marquez do their very best to present all of this material honestly and down-to-Earth, and that part works fine. I like how real these characters feel. But this feels like it's going to be such a slog. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Nerdophiles - Jackson Adams Jun 7, 2016

    This is an event that's starting off entirely on the wrong foot and it's hard to recommend readers wait for the series to potentially get better when there's a $5.99 price point for the first issue. There's better uses for your time, thoughts, and hard earned cash than this comic. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jun 9, 2016

    While nowhere near as interesting or nuanced as the first Civil War, there's at least an interesting idea at the center of the comic (although I'm not sure it's strong enough to rip the entire Marvel Universe in half). However, how that idea is implemented, including having the biggest battle of the comic (so big it takes the lives of not one but two Avengers) take place entirely off-panel feels like a slap in the face to fans (not to mention the death sentence to the characters chosen to thin the herd – each of whom deserved better). Pass. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    We The Nerdy - Jean-Luc Botbyl Jun 1, 2016

    In case you didn't read the first couple lines of text, take this with you: DO. NOT. BUY. THIS. BOOK. It's nowhere even near good. It's a mess. The pacing is horrendous, none of the characters make sense, and it's bogged down in excessive exposition. On top of that, none of what happens is even all that interesting. It's not a particularly original story – and that's not inherently bad. But when none of the writing does anything to make the issue worth it, it becomes a real problem. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Nerdist - Blair Marnell Jun 1, 2016

    Though we're disappointed by this first issue, we're willing to give Marvel the benefit of the doubt and seeing where the rest of the story goes, especially due to the terrific artwork. At this rate, though, we can pretty much guarantee that this is a story that won't be adapted for the big screen. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    JBL Reviews Jun 5, 2016


  • 9.0
    Comic Booger Aug 8, 2016

    My full and more accurate review is in the link below:
    "The great set-up Brian Michael Bendis is creating with clear and strong motivations will make this to be a real battle. The stunning art is already proving itself to have no obstacle when it comes to tackling any story structure. The weird use of dialogue between Captain Marvel and Tony Stark is here, but minimal enough to brush it off."
    -Olaf Lesniak of Comic Booger

  • 9.0
    RustonLF Jun 6, 2016

    So far the conflict that is being built for Civil War does seem to be an interesting one. At first the question of whether acting on the future to save lives seems like an easy answered one, but the problems that are presented does make it less clear after seeing casualties of acting on the knowledge. I was unsure if I bought into this sequel but after reading the issue I am intrigued. The art by Marquez is great and the dialog from Bendis reads naturally. I find myself interested in other characters roles in the conflict.

  • 9.0
    Synthozoid Jun 3, 2016

    I really enjoyed this. If you like Bendis in general, you will like it, if not, move along.

    My only complaint is the focus on Inhumans instead of mutants. Inhumans are boring as f. Please stop trying to make Inhumans replace mutants.

  • 8.5
    Canadian Satanist Jun 8, 2016

    This was a lot better than issue 0.

  • 8.5
    mrDovydas Jun 4, 2016

    A LOT better than I've expected it to be. Knowing past Bendis' works, this probably won't last long.

  • 8.5
    Tree Fingers Jun 2, 2016

    The good:
    -jaw dropping art
    -great character line up
    -I actually don't mind the writing. The issue was actually more direct because we had issue #0 and the FCBD issue. Maybe pacing was an issue if you didn't read either of those

    The bad:

  • 8.5
    rquile1 Jun 1, 2016

    There really are some jaded people out there. This was a great start to Civil War II.

  • 8.0
    Hislight Jan 9, 2020

    Strong Art. Minority Report Concept. Tony Stark is written terribly in my opinion. At the time it came out I remember hating this title, but re reading it with some fresh eyes and some expertise years later I have to say I feel differently. This issue stands strong as the beginning of a comic book event.

  • 8.0
    supercoolyeah Jun 1, 2016

    Ok you really have to get everything in. That mean you have to get Ulysses, Iron Man, Captain Marvel and everything else. I really would have liked to see where the giant came from that would have been interesting. And I would have liked to see the Thanos fight again for those who didn't go to FCBD. But oh well. Bendis does a great job at condensing everything and making sure there are moments. You feel for Tony. I guess you feel for Carol at the end of the book. Marquez does a decent job the only problem he makes everyone look so tired. It's weird I guess. Posnor is on point with his coloring. And I really can't wait for the next issue.

  • 7.5
    kfc902 Jun 1, 2016

    Its a slow burn, the reason for the rift between our heroes are plausible especially when loved ones are involved.

  • 6.5
    brandongernux Jun 2, 2016

    I love Bendis. I loved the artwork by Marquez & Ponsor. I think Marvel events usually tend to start strong and finish weak, but I felt this was a bit of a weak start. Hopefully that means it builds to something stronger and not weaker. I think the idea behind the conflict is interesting, but I didn't feel the weight of the conflict between the two ideals conveyed in this story. I have not been reading the Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Inhumans, or Avengers books so maybe they have been building to this, but as a 1st issue without background info this story felt more forced than necessary. With that being said, it wasn't a bad issue and there was still enough there to make me want to read this event even though the price point is WAY too much es more

  • 6.5
    TheMatteo0 Jun 1, 2016

    The artwork is another great success and the concept and plot are both really good, yet there's a couple of things about the comic which really lets it down. The pacing is pretty bad and the dialogue is a mixed bag; it's so bad at point I wonder if it was even proof-read to make sense; e.g. "It's a freaky, giant, big, giant celestial giant trying to destroy us." I really wanted to like it and to some extent I did...the moralistic debate is interesting, the art and colours and great and the action is good; but honestly that writer (Bendis) could really use some lessons in basic English.

  • 6.0
    Gizmo Jun 3, 2016

    I'd be lying if I said the tension between Tony and Carol doesn't feel forced. It's also completely unnecessary to kill two characters off (well, we're left with a cliffhanger for the second one), I'm not even convinced we had to kill the first one off, I actually thought it would be a permanent spinal injury and that would be enough. Using Thanos as the catalyst to throw tensions over the edge was not a good choice because everyone already knows that he's a global threat, it's not foolhardy or a bad use of precog abilities to stop Thanos preemptively, that would actually be just as good of an example of precog benefits as the giant celestial that starts the issue off and it wouldn't be a surprise if someone died trying to stop Thanos. Now, more

  • 6.0
    Supes' soups Jun 1, 2016

    Two characters die in this first issue, and it barely provides a compelling enough reason to start another Civil War, especially since the dude who killed both of them is the big bad Thanos. (Why not just punish him??) Marvel still, now shamelessly, places the Inhumans above the X-Men. Right now, this event seems forced. There really is no reason for Carol and Tony to go to war, both lost friends. It just paints Tony as another egotistical douche. Coipel's pencils were better in issue #0 but the art is probably the only thing this issue truly has going for it.

  • 5.0
    Bintang Purwaditya Jun 2, 2016

    this seems really forced just to make more money

  • 4.5
    Big Brother Jun 1, 2016

    Bendis needs to spend less time trying to be cutesy and spend more time learning how to write. Not that it matters, because Marvel will print anything that he lazily cranks out. This is lackluster, and putting the Thanos event in the 0 issue is just a baffling decision. Marvel mediocrity at its worst.

  • 4.0
    Big Guy 4U Jun 9, 2016

    In all fairness, I must give some credit to Marvel. At least they were upfront about the fact that this event would be a cash grab capitalizing on arguably the biggest movie of the summer. Despite the fact that I've disliked most of Bendis' mainstream Marvel events (Secret War was good, House of M was alright, Siege was good, and Catacylism was great), I still went into Civil War II with an objective stance. And with that out of the way, I can say that Civil War II is a poor product. It's shame that there's a 2000 character max, because I have so much to say. While the first Civil War, despite it not being a good comic book, at least had some build-up to it, Civil War II comes out of nowhere. The "Road To" issues had barely anything to with more

  • 4.0
    Kreniigh Jun 2, 2016

    Wait. THIS is the ethical dilemma that splits the heroes? THIS?

    Punishing people for crimes pre-emptively is a hook that you an hang a civil war type
    story on (and it's already been done in Minoroty Report, but shush). And that's where
    this looks like it's going, until it swerves so far off the rails I can't even track
    the thinking behind it other than the plot dragging the characters along regardless of

    Being alerted to Thanos's arrival has nothing to do with the ethics of pre-emptive
    punishment. It's like setting up a story where the ethical conflict is over abortion,
    and then having someone getting killed in a car crash on the way to get an abortion as the
    anti-abortion more

  • 3.5
    VirtuousMilo Jun 1, 2016

    If comic books like this are considered good... then I weep for comic books as a whole. With problems such as pacing, rushed writing and badly written dialogue I had trouble being invested then all of sudden BANG! Two character deaths out of the blue as if to drop the mic on how epic this story is going to be. Problem is that the character deaths lead to this Civil War and do little to support any reasoning whatsoever for fighting. Issue 1's tend to be highlights in the comic industry, but this is only acts as a reminder for why people dislike event comic books. But hey! The art is good.

  • 1.0
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