Aaron Roberts's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geek'd Out Reviews: 14
9.0Avg. Review Rating

Theres evil in Philadelphia, and its kill or be killed.

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While the Tin Man of Oz may have found his heart, these men made of metal are still searching for theirs.

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Dont get me wrong, Far Sector definitely fits in with the family of the Young Animal line, but its got a different vibe, a calmer interaction and a confidence in itself that makes you notice it. Eleven more issues of this? Sign me up.

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This is comic storytelling at its finest. Finger Gunsis an easy entry packaged in a clean box that contains challenging materials. Everything about Finger Guns feels fresh and new. Its an invigorating comicbook in a medium thats increasingly missing that.

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Skulldigger and Skeleton Boy #1 is a worthwhile addition to the Black Hammer mythos and one that explores a darker and more sinister corner of Spiral City.

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On its surface, Strange Academy #1 runs dangerously close to entering knock-off status. It encroaches on it but never crosses the line as Young and Ramos successfully veer it into its own territory and away from just hitting the same beats as other young magical adventure stories. This is the kind of comicbook thats sure to be a hit with some and completely disregarded by others. Overall, though, Strange Academy is a logical and very enjoyable addition to the magical mythos of the Marvel universe and an important expansion of Doctor Voodoo and Doctor Strange's world.

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Batman #80 is hard, fast, and smart " showing you precisely what you need to see in order to appreciate how it was built and where its going. Exactly like a tour of a city Banes city.

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Gotham City Monsters #1 is a strong introduction to a band of creepy characters. Its grimy and grotesque, often reveling in its own brutality. Exactly the kind of content you want from a comicbook that has Monsters in the title. Above all of that, though, Gotham City Monsters is simply a very fun romp through through the horror-filled corners of the DC Universe.

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Despite the small imperfections, Marauders #1 is a rock-solid beginning to a much larger story thats sure to fill out the broader strokes of the Dawn of X initiative. Its full of adventure, its full of suave, and its full of possibilities.

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While The Magicians #1 does a whole lot right, there are a few rough edges. I was a bit confused the first time through the book. It took me multiple readings to pick up on the whole story, and Im still not sure Ive filled in all the cracks. The setup for issue #2 is also a little weak, and this issue could have used a few more moments of exposition. But the allure of magic is in the wonderment, and no good magician reveals their tricks. Thats something The Magicians #1 excels in. It gives you just enough to hook you but leaves you wanting so much more. Its a captivating entry point into a much larger world and an adventure thats sure to have many more tricks up its sleeve.

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Ultimately, Aquaman #56 is a wonderful story. Its a necessary story about two superpowered people dealing with a very normal dilemma. The POWS and ZAPS may get you through the door, but its the humanity that keeps you in the aquaclub.

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DC's Crimes of Passion is a lot of fun. Each story has its appeal and a lot of different art styles are showcased. Some incredible, some good, and some that just don't hit the right notes. As a whole, though, DC's Crimes of Passion is a gorgeous book and fantastic addition to the Wednesday rack. It's 80 pages, and each page works in conjunction with the others to deliver 10 satisfying stories. The variety and ease of entry is the selling point, but the humanity is the sticking point.

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And this is exactly where The Flash should be: amongst the brazenly bizarre and embracing the eccentric. The Flash is nothing without a little mind-bending absurdity. A fella who can run pretty fast isn't that particularly interesting. A guy who's lightning-infused tempo allows him to traverse different dimensions? Who's plugged in to the ebb and flow of time? Whose existence is tied into the cosmic narrative? Well, that's a tale worth telling.

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Its not all negative though. Theres absolutely a comfort in revisiting these characters in this time period. Its your childhood eternalized. Its an easy rhythm. Star Wars #1 is definitely enjoyable; it just doesnt do anything new. It treads on very familiar territory and plays a formulaic tune. Its a story that doesnt justify its own existence. Whats it trying to do? Whats it trying to say? It seems like its just trying to hit us with a dose of nostalgia for characters and settings that were used to. And it rings hollow after The Rise of Skywalker was just released and the Skywalker saga supposedly has come to an end. It would have been monumentally refreshing to read a story about characters not directly tied to the Skywalker name. It would have been a welcome change of pace to see ships, planets, technology, and scenes that havent been examined from every microscopic angle for the past 40 years. Star Wars #1 is not a bad book in any way. It does what its supposed to do in the way its

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